Can dry Balcony be enclosed?

Can dry Balcony be enclosed?

DRY balconies are outside the ambit of FSI and NEVER be permanently enclosed in any manner.

What is dry area in house?

1. Gap excavated between a basement-wall of a building (lower than the floor-level) and the adjacent soil to prevent water-penetration and allow light and air to enter.

Why balcony is not allowed in Mumbai?

In Mumbai’s newer constructions, balconies are hard to come by. Changing regulations for floor space index (FSI) are also responsible for the disappearance of balconies since FSI determines how high a building may be. In 2012, balconies were brought into the ambit of fungibility of FSI.

Is it legal to cover balcony?

You are legally obliged to take revised permission from local authority for covering balcony, as it is a deviation from approved plan, though most of the people don’t do it and perhaps most of the local authority also ignore illegal construction.

How do you close a dry balcony?

There are several ways to closed terraces, some of them are closing with lexan, blinds, awnings, windows. Decorate the area on the terrace with the details and make it the best way. Enjoy on the terrace during the colder days. Also, you can rearrange and open it, when it comes sunshine and will enjoy again.

What is dry area?

A dry area is a place where you’re not allowed to have or drink alcohol. The purpose of a dry area is to curb alcohol-related problems and anti-social behaviour in public areas such as: communities where drinking in public places is an indicator of complex social issues.

Is Box Grill illegal in Mumbai?

They are an ever-present and almost integral part of Mumbai’s architecture, but the fixed box grilles with which most Mumbaikars barricade their homes and offices have been deemed illegal by the city’s fire office. “Every house and residential unit in the city has fixed box grilles.

Is Dry balcony included in FSI?

“People would complain about balconies being enclosed without permission and no action being taken. We decided that since balconies are included in the Floor Space Index (FSI), we shall no longer recognise them. It is for the builder to provide a balcony, but if it is provided it cannot be enclosed.

Is covering balcony illegal in India?

In the circular, the BBMP reminded apartment complex residents and owners to adhere to the Building Bye-laws 2003 and National Building Code of India 2016 guidelines.

Can I turn my balcony into a room?

If you are a lover of nature, then you can convert the vast space of your balcony into a nature-inspired open room. All you need to do is ask the design professionals to lay some artificial grass on the floor, create a vertical garden, hang some pots and add beautiful pieces of furniture.

What are the different types of balconies?

The Different Types of Balcony Structures

  • Hung balconies. This type of balcony structure is made of stainless steel cables that are fixed on the edges of the balcony.
  • Stacked balconies.
  • Cantilever or projecting balconies.
  • Balcony Decking.

Can we cover balcony?

Which is the correct definition of a balcony?

plural balconies. 1 : a platform that projects from the wall of a building and is enclosed by a parapet or railing. 2 : an interior projecting gallery in a public building (such as a theater)

What’s the difference between a porch and a balcony?

A porch is a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a house or building in general. The structure is external to the walls of the building but it may be enclosed in certain types of frames including walls, columns or screens, extending from the main structure. The balcony.

What can you do with a balcony in a house?

It can be put to use as a coffee corner, a reading nook with a swing chair, a garden or even a play area for kids.” And depending on the size of the balcony, it can be all four! While every space is designed keeping in mind specific requirements and needs, Shamala gives us an insight on how to allocate your budget for a house balcony design.

Is it better to have a closed balcony or open balcony?

While most homes come with open balconies, homeowners have the option to close the space. Study your surroundings before deciding. Keep in mind: 1. A closed balcony design may restrict sunlight and ventilation, but works great when buildings are close to each other and privacy is an issue.

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