What does the saying give no quarter mean?

What does the saying give no quarter mean?

to show no mercy
To give no quarter means to show no mercy, to award no clemency. To give no quarter originally applied to military situations. If a victor was not willing to take care of prisoners he would warn that he would give no quarter.

Where does the expression give no quarter come from?

Etymology. The term may originate from an order by the commander of a victorious army that they will not quarter (house) captured enemy combatants. Therefore, none can be taken prisoner and all enemy combatants must be killed.

What does asking for quarter mean?

(Mil.) to accept as prisoner, on submission in battle; to forbear to kill, as a vanquished enemy.

What does it mean when a Pirate says no quarter?

If a ship refused to surrender, they risked the wrath of the Pirate ship’s crew. Once a battle began the Jolly Roger was lowered and replaced with a “No Quarter” flag signifying that the Pirates would now take no prisoners and give no quarter to their enemy.

Who said no quarter?

So I moved up several centuries to the 17th and 18th centuries. It seems the phrase “no quarter” was popular in maritime circles ala Blackbeard and other pirates. To pirates, it meant no mercy, meaning those who surrendered or were captured would be killed!

Is giving no quarter a war crime?

Under the Statute of the International Criminal Court, “declaring that no quarter will be given” is a war crime in international armed conflicts. The prohibition is contained in numerous military manuals. Under the legislation of many States, it is an offence to issue an order that no quarter be given.

Is no quarter a war crime?

Is no quarter given a war crime?

Why does Quarter mean mercy?

1 Answer. The term arose from the military where the victorious side publicly proclaimed that it will not provide quarter (prison) for captured enemy. Which meant that no mercy will be shown and all prisoners will end up being slaughtered.

What is quarter in military?

A place for people to live, especially if they’re in the military, can be called quarters. If you join the Army, your quarters might be a dorm-like space that you share with many other people. You can use this word to mean “housing” generally, although it’s most common for soldiers and servants to live in quarters.

What exactly does, “no quarter” mean?

What Does No Quarter Mean? In everyday conversation, the idiom no quarter means “no mercy.”Typically the phrase is preceded by a form of the verb give; you may also hear the expression used with some form of the verb grant.If you give or grant no quarter, you treat someone-usually an opponent or foe of some kind-harshly.

What does the terminology “no quarter” mean?

No quarter. In war, a victor gives no quarter (or takes no prisoners) when the victor shows no clemency or mercy and refuses to spare the life of a vanquished opponent in return for their surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender).

What is no quarter about?

“No quarter” is a pirate phrase meaning “no mercy.”. It could also refer to the US Revolutionary War when Great Britain enforced a policy requiring colonial Americans to house British soldiers and offer them food and a bed during the cold of winter.

What does it mean to give a quarter?

To “quarter” soldiers (or to provide quarter to soldiers) means to give them lodging, usually in a private home. This has been mandated by governments throughout history in times of emergency.

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