What do mean by vibration?

What do mean by vibration?

1 : a rapid motion (as of a stretched cord) back and forth. 2 : the action of moving or causing to move back and forth or from side to side very quickly : the state of being swung back and forth. 3 : a trembling motion.

What is vibration explain with example?

The definition of a vibration is a movement back and forth, or an emotion sensed by another person. An example of a vibration is the feeling of two cymbals being slammed together. An example of a vibration is when one person gets the feeling that another person does not want to do something that has been discussed.

What is meant by theory of vibration?

A vibration is a fluctuating motion about an equilibrium state. There are two types of vibration: deterministic and random. In mechanical systems, deterministic vibrations are excitations that elicit a response from a system, as shown schematically in Fig. …

What is meant by vibration in simple words?

Vibration means quickly moving back and forth (or up and down) about a point of equilibrium. Something that is vibrating may shake at the same time. If it vibrates in a regular way, it may produce a musical note because it can make the air vibrate. This vibration will send sound waves to the ear and to the brain.

What is vibration in engineering?

Vibrations are oscillations in mechanical dynamic systems. Although any system can oscillate when it is forced to do so externally, the term “vibration” in mechanical engineering is often reserved for systems that can oscillate freely without applied forces.

What do you mean by vibration class 9?

Vibration is a periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium about a central position. It is also named as oscillation. For example: Stretched strings of a guitar vibrate to produce sound.

What is meant by vibration Class 6 science?

Answer: (a) The to and fro motion of a body about its mean position is known as vibration.

What is the scientific definition of vibrate?

1. the act of vibrating or the state of being vibrated. 2. Physics. a. the oscillating, reciprocating, or other periodic motion of a rigid or elastic body or medium forced from a position or state of equilibrium.

What is the definition of vibration in physics?

vibration, in physics, commonly an oscillatory motion—a movement first in one direction and then back again in the opposite direction. It is exhibited, for example, by a swinging pendulum, by the prongs of a tuning fork that has been struck, or by the string of a musical instrument that has been plucked.

What is vibrational energy?

vibrational energy. Jump to navigation Jump to search. vibrational energy (countable and uncountable, plural vibrational energies) (physics) The energy in a vibrating system, otherwise at rest; especially that in a molecule due to the vibrations of its atoms. According to certain New Age beliefs, a kind of pervasive life force.

What is vibration for kids?

Kids Definition of vibration. 1 : a rapid motion (as of a stretched cord) back and forth. 2 : the action of moving or causing to move back and forth or from side to side very quickly : the state of being swung back and forth. 3 : a trembling motion.

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