Why we should not raise the driving age to 18?

Why we should not raise the driving age to 18?

Changing the age limit of driving could very well hinder many young citizens from being more self-sufficient. If driver’s would have to wait to get their license at the age of 18, it would cause them to be dependent on their guardians. Therefore, the driver’s age should not be raised to 18.

Why the driving age should be raised to 18 pros and cons?

  • Audio Lesson.
  • Raising the driving age can reduce number of accidents.
  • Fewer fatalities.
  • Fewer injuries.
  • Young drivers may simply be overwhelmed with driving a car.
  • New drivers often overestimate their driving skills at a young age.
  • Brains of teenagers aren’t fully developed yet.

What are the effects of teenage driving?

Teen drivers have a higher rate of fatal crashes, mainly because of their immaturity, lack of skills, and lack of experience. They speed, they make mistakes, and they get distracted easily – especially if their friends are in the car.

What are 3 things some teenagers do while driving that could increase the chances of them getting hurt?

Distracted driving, drowsy driving, and driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs raise the risk of teen drivers crashing. Other behaviors, such as not wearing a seat belt or speeding, are known to increase the likelihood of injury or death if a crash occurs.

Why the driving age should stay at 16 pros and cons?

Pros & Cons of Driving at the Age of 16

  • Pro: Increased Independence. Prior to getting their driver’s license, teenagers must rely on their parents or older siblings to drive them to school, work, sporting events or social activities.
  • Cons: Lack of Experience.
  • Pro: More Time to Gain Experience.
  • Pro: Increased Responsibility.

Why driving at 16 is a good thing?

Driving at the age 16 is an amazing experience. Developmentally, teens at the age 16 are ready to start driving, Teens starting to drive at 16 bring less stress to families because the teens are able to drive themselves, and Starting driving at the age 16 helps maturity level grow and build responsibility.

What are the risks of driving?

The 9 Most Dangerous Things Drivers Do

  1. Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. NHTSA data paints a clear picture: drunk driving causes accidents.
  2. Driving tired.
  3. Speeding.
  4. Distracted driving.
  5. Driving too fast for the weather conditions.
  6. Drafting tractor trailers.
  7. Reckless driving.
  8. Not wearing a seat belt.

Why the driving age should not be lowered?

Younger drivers have a higher risk of being involved in an accident than older drivers due to inexperience and lack of skill. Secondly, lowering the driving age would result in more traffic congestion as there will be more cars on the road with inexperienced drivers who may drive recklessly or dangerously.

How youths could take up driving?

When a teenager obtains a learner’s permit they can start learning to drive with an adult present in the car to supervise and teach. In most cases the best way for teens to learn to drive is through a driver’s education class. These classes are often sponsored by schools.

What can affect your driving?

What risk factors do all drivers face?

  • Inexperience.
  • Teenage passengers.
  • Distraction while driving, including from using cell phones and texting.
  • Driving at excessive speeds, close following, and other risky driving.
  • Drinking and driving.
  • Driving at night.
  • Being male.
  • Social norms.

Why the driving age should be raised to 21?

By age 21, people are more mature and are more responsible for their actions. Less teens would be getting themselves killed. It would also help address obesity among teens in the U.S.

Would raising the driving age save lives?

Raising the legal age for driving from 16 to 21 will definitely save thousands of teenagers annually from a premature death and almost a quarter-of-a-million more from injuries in car wrecks. Even a modest increase in the legal driving age to 18 would save lives.

Is it necessary to raise the driving age to 18?

Raising the minimum driving age to 18 would dramatically decrease deaths and injuries. No because… Raising the age does not guarantee a reduction in deaths. Rather, it would just change the statistics from “17 to 20 year olds” to “18 to 21 year olds”.

What are the risk factors for teen drivers?

Teen Driving 1 Risk Factors. Your teen sees a driver’s license as a step toward freedom,… 2 DISTRACTED DRIVING. Teens’ inexperience behind the wheel makes them more susceptible… 3 PASSENGERS. In a study analyzed by NHTSA, teen drivers were two-and-a-half times more likely… 4 SPEEDING. Speeding is a critical safety issue for teen drivers.

What happens if a 16 year old can’t drive?

There are athletic practices to attend, often right after school. If a 16-year-old (or 17) is unable to drive because the driving age was raised, then someone else in the family must step up to provide these transportation services. If that isn’t possible, then carpooling with other families would also be necessary.

Why are 16 year old drivers more likely to be killed?

That’s because young drivers are more likely to take risks when compared to the older generations behind the wheel. Every additional passenger in a vehicle with a 16- or 17-year-old driver increases the risk of a fatality occurring. Drivers who are 16 also have the highest crash rate than any other age.

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