Why Was Socrates a bad reputation?

Why Was Socrates a bad reputation?

Socrates gained his bad reputation by trying to find someone wiser than he was, and then by trying to show others that they thought themselves wise but were in fact not. So he concluded that he could not find anyone wiser than himself because he “understands that his wisdom is worthless” (23b).

Was Socrates a good or bad person?

By leading the philosophical life, therefore, Socrates has become the moral superior of his fellow Athenians. And there is still more to his claim at the end of the Apology that he is “a good man.” His assessment that he is “good” and his consequent fearlessness in the face of death is, after all, categorical.

What is good and evil for Socrates?

Socrates believed that no one does wrong voluntarily. Evil is the result of ignorance. If people knew what was the right thing to do they would do it. We always choose what we think is the best or good for us.

Why was Socrates so arrogant?

Perhaps the greatest evidence that Socrates was in fact quite arrogant is the speech he gave after being found guilty of impiety and corrupting the youth; he could have asked to be sent into exile and would likely have received this punishment, but instead jokingly suggested that he be rewarded for his great …

What makes Socrates a good person?

To bring together the definition of a good man, Socrates says he is a man who always considers his actions and acts in a good and just manner. Aristotle says a good man acts unto virtue and derives his happiness and pleasure from that virtue.

What is the greatest evil according to Socrates?

This self inflicted harm to one’s soul caused by not acting virtuously is the greatest evil which could befall an individual. In fact, Socrates went so far as to put forth the astonishing claim that it is better to suffer an injustice than to commit an injustice.

Why did Socrates believe that no one knowingly does evil?

Socrates believed that individuals just dedicated evil deeds out of ignorance. So when he fights that no man fails willingly, he’s speaking to the notion that, had one possessed the right kind of knowledge going into a specific circumstance, they would without a doubt benefit the deed.

Is Socrates humble or arrogant?

Does Socrates accept death?

Socrates accepts that he has been outrun by death, but points out that, unlike him, his accusers have been outrun by wickedness. While he has been condemned to death by a human jury, his accusers have been convicted of depravity and injustice by no less a tribunal than Truth herself.

What were Socrates beliefs?

Philosophy. Socrates believed that philosophy should achieve practical results for the greater well-being of society. He attempted to establish an ethical system based on human reason rather than theological doctrine. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness.

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