Why the Nile River was important in the development of Egyptian society in Africa?

Why the Nile River was important in the development of Egyptian society in Africa?

It is due to the Nile River that the ancient Egyptians were able to develop their civilization. The Nile River brought water and rich fertile soil that the Egyptians used to grow crops in. The Egyptians depended on the Nile River to flood otherwise they could not grow their crops and there would be a famine.

What role did the Nile play in supplying Egyptian with these foods?

What role did the Nile play in supplying Egyptians with these foods? The Egyptians ate wheat, vegetables, berries, fruits, nuts, and meat. The Nile provided water for the crops and animals, and homes for the fish, wild geese, and ducks.

How did the Nile river influence ancient Egypt crop schedule?

The Egyptians grew their crops along the banks of the River Nile on the rich black soil, or kemet which was left behind after the yearly floods. The fertile soil was ideal to grow healthy crops. No farming was done at this time, as all the fields were flooded.

What did the Nile River provide?

For thousands of years, the river has provided a source of irrigation to transform the dry area around it into lush agricultural land. Today, the river continues to serve as a source of irrigation, as well as an important transportation and trade route.

Why was the Nile so important to the ancient Egyptians quizlet?

The Nile was so important to the ancient Egyptians because the Nile River brought life ot the people who lived by it. For example, fish to eat, water for there corps to grow, means of transportation.

Why was the Nile River so important to the ancient Egypt?

The Nile River supplied Egypt with a way to have commerce as well as being the source for their crops. Since the Nile River was so important to ancient Egyptian life, they added it as part of their religion. They believed the Nile River was the river way that was taken from life to death and then to enter the afterlife.

How did the Egyptians take advantage of the Nile River?

Answer. Answer: Early Egyptians took advantage of Nile floods by having a fertile soil after withdrawing water, which is a prerequisite for the development of agriculture. Explanation: Egyptian ancient civilization emerged, like many others in the valleys of the great rivers, in this case the Nile River.

Why was the Nile River considered the lifeline of Egypt?

Every aspect of life in Egypt depended on the river – the Nile provided food and resources, land for agriculture, a means of travel, and was critical in the transportation of materials for building projects and other large-scale endeavors. It was a critical lifeline that literally brought life to the desert.

How was the Nile River a resource in the development of Egypt?

The Nile river helped the Egyptians by providing them with a route to upper and lower Egypt . It also provided them with fish, water, and a way to bathe. One major features of ancient Egypt was the Nile river running through Egypt. The Nile ran through the desert creating a path of fertile land that the Egyptian built a civilization around.

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