Why is Cole so angry?

Why is Cole so angry?

Because he’s grown up with alcoholic parents and a father who beats him regularly, Cole is angry and thinks that violence is the only way to solve problems. His memories of his family aren’t happy—in fact, he remembers distinctly the times when his father beat him up: As Cole kept screaming, his dad kept hitting him.

Who is the main victim of Cole’s anger?

Peter Driscal
Peter Driscal is the unfortunate victim of Cole’s anger.

Why does the spirit bear initially make Cole angry?

He is angry and wants to show the adults that they can’t imprison him on the island. Cole is angry because of all the things that have happened to him. Being bullied by his father, ignored by his mother and he feels unloved. He is looking for control in his life.

What is Cole’s personality?

Cole Matthews, the main character in Touching Spirit Bear, is a young boy who is prone to violence. Throughout the course of the novel, Cole undergoes a radical transformation. Through suffering, loneliness, and the power of rituals, he learns how his anger has contributed to his violent behavior.

Who has Cole forgiven by the end of the dance of anger?

Ch. 22 – 24 TSB Study Guide

Question Answer
4. What does Cole talk to as if it’s a person during his dance of anger? A tree
5. Who has Cole forgiven by the end of the dance of anger? Himself, Dad
6. Why hasn’t Cole been able to carve anything in the empty space? Must help Peter first

How does Cole feel about banishment as a punishment?

Cole is being sent to an island for punishment because he violently hurt Peter Driscal. How does Cole feel about banishment as a punishment? He feels like the banishment is an excuse for people to get rid of him.

What does Cole say when he does the Anger Dance?

Cole decides that he can now do the anger dance. When he is doing it, he screams “Please forgive me! I didn’t mean to hurt Peter!” Explain the anger dance. Edwin tells Cole that he must dance the anger dance in order to fully heal his anger, but he must be ready for it.

Why is Cole so angry in Touching Spirit Bear?

We learn that Cole is suffering from the abuse of his father and neglect of his mother, and we learn that his anger is, at least partially, a result of his relationship with his parents. Cole often resorts to violence when he feels a loss of control.

Why is Cole so afraid of Peter Driscal?

This is why he commits crimes—he’s been getting in trouble with the law for half of his life—and specifically, it’s why he beats Peter Driscal for ratting him out to adults for his latest crime. Though Cole’s goal is to make everyone afraid of him, he only feels this way because he himself is so terrified.

Why did Cole choose circle justice in Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole chooses Circle Justice in hopes of receiving a lighter sentence. The purpose of Circle Justice is to help Cole heal his anger and to make restitution to the others that have been hurt by it. Cole has no faith in the system or hope of getting his anger under control.

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