Why does Odysseus wait for the Cyclops?

Why does Odysseus wait for the Cyclops?

Odysseus wants to visit the Cyclops out of pure curiosity. He knows that he has the protection of the gods and he believes himself to be more than human so he does not fear entering Polyphemus’ cave with twelve of his men in tow.

Why does Odysseus hold back on killing the Cyclops right away?

Why doesn’t Odysseus kill the Cyclops the first night? Only the Cyclops is strong enough to move the rock slab, so Odysseus can’t kill him or he will be trapped forever.

Why does Odysseus want to return home?

Odysseus always planned to return home after the war. He was delayed for so long by misfortunes that befell him because he offended the gods. He dreams of returning to his wife, son, and home. Odysseus was away from home for the first ten years because that is how long the Trojan War lasted.

Why does Odysseus refuse to leave before the Cyclops return to the cave?

He refuses to listen to his men and flee before the Cyclops returns because he had a deep desire to see the Cyclops, which overrode his common sense Odysseus’s pride and curiosity get the best of him in this situation. Odysseus exhibits significant immaturity in this part of the story.

Why does Odysseus want to remain at the cave until the owner comes home?

Why does Odysseus want to remain in the cave until the owner comes home? Odysseus wants to remain in the cave until the owner came home because he expected the owner to give him a gift as proper manner. It is tradition for the guest to be given a gift from the host.

What does Odysseus tell the cyclops after he escaped?

Lauren Willson, M.A. Odysseus tells Polyphemus his name is “Nobody” to prevent Polyphemus from being able to successfully call for help when Odysseus enacts his escape plan.

What is waiting for Odysseus at his home?

When the king learned that their guest was Lord Odysseus on his way home from Troy, he prepared a great feast in his honour. He then ordered a ship to be made ready to take him home – he filled a sea chest for him with rich gifts: sumptuous robes, a golden cauldron, and a handful of jewels.

Why does Odysseus not want to return home?

The primary reason why Odysseus does not sail directly home to Ithica following the Trojan War is due to the fact that he provokes the wrath of Poseidon and Helios. Polyphemus proceeds to curse Odysseus and calls upon his father, Poseidon, to punish him.

How does Odysseus plan to escape from the Cyclops cave?

Odysseus’s plan is to use the fact that Polyphemus can’t see to escape. He ties the rams together by threes. He will tie his men to the bottom of the middle ram and wait for the Cyclops to let the flock out in the morning. Once the men are safely out of the cave, Odysseus drops and unties his men.

How did Odysseus pride interfere with his journey home after he left the Cyclops Island?

odysseus demonstrates excessive pride when he defeats Polyphemus and escapes. When doing so, his pride takes over and he yells to Polyphemus that he is Odysseus, the son of Laertes, raider of cities, and has took his eye. This causes Poseidon to get angry and is the reason Odysseus and his men could not sail home.

How did Odysseus get away from the Cyclops?

Back on his ship, making his way to safety, Odysseus can’t help calling out to the Cyclops. He yells once, taunting him, and the Cyclops hurls a huge chunk of a mountain out at the ship. He misses, throwing it beyond the ship and driving it back to the shore. Odysseus is getting ready to shout at the Cyclops again, and his men say, “Please, stop!

Why did Odysseus refuse to leave his cave?

Against his mens advice, Odysseus refuses to leave before the Cyclopes’s return to his cave. What reason does Odysseus give for not leaving Odysseus wants to play the role of good guests according to the rules of Zeus.

What did Polyphemus ask Odysseus on the way home?

Polyphemus, as soon as he notices Odysseus and his men, asks who they are; bad manners. Odysseus tells him they’re on their way home from Troy—no names—and reminds Polyphemus about proper hospitality: We’re travelers; don’t you owe us a gift?

Why did Odysseus raid the islands after leaving Troy?

But if Odyesseus wants to keep the men fed and have fresh water available, he has to stop, find streams to refill water reservoirs and find fresh meat and grains. It was this urge to raid the islands for food that led Odysseus and his men to raid the island of the Ciconian, the first place the stopped after leaving Troy.

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