Why do you think Herrick is drunk?

Why do you think Herrick is drunk?

Marshal Herrick’s drinking indicates that he feels guilty and ashamed for being involved in the witch trials. By giving her a drink of hard cider, Herrick is showing Sarah compassion, which stems from his feelings of guilt and shame.

How has Herrick changed in the crucible?

Terms in this set (10) How has Herrick changed? He used to be respectful but now he drinks a lot and jokes about the devil .

Where does Tituba tell Herrick and Sarah good she is going who is taking her?

Sarah tells Herrick that she and Tituba are going to Barbados as soon as the Devil gets there with feathers and wings. Herrick doesn’t react to this, but he only wishes her a happy voyage. Tituba says that she’ll talk to the Devil if Herrick wants to come along to Barbados.

What reasons does Parris give for thinking that the executions will lead to rebellion?

Reverend Parris wants to delay the executions because he fears rebellion, and — probably, just as he feared the loss of his own credibility and authority at the beginning of the play, he likely fears the same thing again.

Does Marshal Herrick like his job?

He seems like an average guy just doing his job. Unfortunately, his job aids and abets the execution of innocent victims.

Why is Rebecca shocked that John confessed?

She is shocked to find he is about to sign a false confession. She thus serves to jolt John out of his mode of self-preservation and back into being a stalwart of truth. She reminds him of the higher truth of life, as opposed to the false interpretation of that truth that has plagued the community during the trials.

Who is Marshall Herrick in The Crucible?

Herrick is an officer of the court. He is a kindly man and is obviously unhappy about arresting people like Elizabeth Proctor and keeping them in jail: ‘In God’s name, John, I cannot help myself.

Who changes the most throughout The Crucible?

John Proctor
In the Crucible, many of the characters go through changes because of the intensity of the situation. But there is only one character that I think changed the most, and that is John Proctor who is the protagonist of the novel The Crucible by Arthur Miller.

Who does Herrick bring into the cell during John’s confession?

This act takes place in a jail cell in Salem. Marshal Herrick wakes up the occupants, Sarah Good and Tituba, to move them to a different cell. The two women speak of their plans to fly away to Barbados after the Devil comes for them and transforms them into bluebirds.

What is the state of Herrick as he guards the jail room?

Tituba is calling the Devil while she sits in jail . 2. What is the state of Herrick as he guards the jail room? Herricks drunk when he guards the jail room.

What is Danforth’s reason that they must be hanged?

Because he has not confesses, he will be hung. He does this because he does not want Danforth and the court to use him as proof that the witch craft was real. Elizabeth does not stop him because she is happy he finally forgave himself for his one sin (adultery).

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