Why did you choose STEM strand in senior high school?

Why did you choose STEM strand in senior high school?

Why incoming SHS students choose STEM track? (STEM) based education teaches children more than science and Mathematics concepts. The focus on hands-on learning with world applications help develop a variety of skills sets, including creativity and 21st -century skills.

Why do I choose STEM strand essay?

STEM Teaches Critical Thinking and Innovation The focus on logical thought processes and problem-solving allows students to develop mental habits that will help them succeed in any field. STEM coursework challenges students to think critically and come up with their own solutions.

How do you answer why do you choose this school?

How to answer, “Why did you choose this school?”

  1. Keep it positive. When answering this question in an interview, explain how you came to your decision in a way that reflects positively on you.
  2. Share your priorities.
  3. Relate your school to your job.

What are three reasons why students choose to go to college?

7 reasons to attend college

  • Gain financial responsibility.
  • Expand your potential earnings.
  • Create long-lasting relationships and professional connections.
  • Achieve job security.
  • Explore different career options.
  • Experience independence.
  • Learn valuable skills.

Why did you choose your Strand?

Once you choose a strand you like, studying becomes more enjoyable since the strands are designed and specialized to match your interests. Moreover, it expands your knowledge and skills, while at the same time, exposing you to your chosen field of study in preparation for college.

Why do we need to choose strand?

Why do you want your child to join our school?

As a parent, I hope that when I leave my son or daughter at school they are safe, happy and, ultimately, learning. Intellectual and emotional growth fostered by the school. Strong home/school communication. A fun and supportive school environment.

Why did you choose this teaching school?

A few common reasons people want to teach are: they love learning and being in a learning environment. teaching is a job with a lot of variety. they like the creativity and independence teaching offers.

Why did you decide to go to college?

I CHOOSE college because I know a higher education will allow me to pursue careers that I choose to do. College classes are designed for you to build better knowledge in areas of your interest [of your major] and give you better skills on writing, communicating, studying, and critical thinking.

Why might a college be a good choice for some students?

Good college courses will prepare you for the challenges you face in everyday life. If you learn to turn in homework on time, you will be able to meet deadlines at work. Thinking critically about your thesis or contributing to the Great Conversation will make smaller tasks at work or home easier to accomplish.

Why you should choose academic track?

Choosing this track means you are looking forward to go to college. This track will help you prepare yourself for the subject specialization of the college course you will take in the future.

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