Why did Wang Lung stay away from the house for 3 days?

Why did Wang Lung stay away from the house for 3 days?

At the beginning of chapter 20, who suddenly shows up, and how does Wang Lung react? Wang Lung’s uncle, wife, and son. He allows them to move in with them. He didn’t go to the tea house for three days because he was so upset.

Why does Wang Lung move to the House of Hwang?

Finally, at the end of the book Wang Lung’s sons plan to sell his land, just as the Hwang family sold theirs before their downfall. Thus, Wang Lung’s move into the House of Hwang seems to set him in the footsteps of the Hwang family, not only in their prosperity, but also in their decline.

Why does Wang Lung learn not to carry food?

When they reach their destination, Wang Lung’s family purchases mats to build a hut and goes to the public kitchens to buy cheap rice gruel. They are forbidden to carry any of the food home out of concern that the wealthy are using it to feed their pigs.

Why does Wang Lung go south?

In The Good Earth, Wang Lung and O-lan still manage to pack up their family and travel south even though they are really weak. The two realize that their land will not support them, so they feel that they have no choice but to look for a better opportunity in the southern region.

Why doesn’t Wang Lung sell his daughter?

Not for Sale When the family is in the South, Wang Lung thinks about selling the first daughter in order to get back home. Lucky for him, a rebellion comes along and gives him way more money than he could have made selling his first daughter, so he never has to make that sacrifice.

Why can’t Wang Lung throw his scoundrel uncle and his family out of the house?

Wang Lung allowed his uncle’s family to stay because he discovered that his uncle was an official in a band of robbers. He was afraid that the robbers would destroy his home and harm his family if he didn’t let the uncle’s family stay.

What promise does Wang Lung make to his uncle’s wife before she dies?

What promise did Wang Lung make to his uncle’s wife? The promise is that if she were to die before her son returns from war he would find his nephew a wife.

What makes Wang Lung feel at peace?

Chapter 11 Earth 6: Thus, when Wang Lung and his family go to the southern city during the famine, Wang Lung continually yearns for the land. Although life in the city is hard and agonizing, the thought that his land is back home waiting for him brings him peace and comfort.

Did Wang Lung sell his daughter?

Wang Lung learns that his uncle sold all of his daughters. Wang Lung is not disheartened about the dilapidated state of his house; it will be easily mended, and his land is still the same.

What is the significance of Wang Lung cutting off his braid?

To remove a braid would’ve been considered an act of insubordination against one’s social betters. Wang Lung has clearly internalized this age-old tradition, and he is horrified by the very suggestion that he’d look much better without the braid.

How does Wang Lung become rich?

Wang Lung’s strategy of land acquisition, buying more and more land from the Hwang estate, increases his fortune as he can afford to plant and harvest more crops each subsequent year.

Why does Wang Lung help ching?

Ching and Wang Lung become connected because of an exchange. When Wang Lung’s uncle is spreading rumors, Ching is one of the only people who feel guilty about stealing stuff from Wang Lung’s house. Later, he returns the very beans that he stole to Wang Lung so that O-lan can eat them and stay alive.

What happens to Wang Lung in the Good Earth?

Though he gains a fortune, Wang partially loses his connection to the earth, his simple piety, and his ability to participate in the old traditions that have given his life meaning. His success is, therefore, a mixed blessing.

Why was Wang Lung afraid to go to the tea house?

Wang Lung is afraid to go to the tea house until Lotus is his. He thinks he’ll kill himself if he can’t have her. His uncle’s wife… (full context) Eventually Lotus arrives, carried in a sedan chair across the fields and followed by Cuckoo.

How does Wang Lung spend so much money?

Wang Lung spends vast amounts of money not only to be with Lotus, but to buy her gifts. Whenever she expresses a desire for anything, he must buy… …he can have no comfort in his own house, he has to find it with Lotus.

What are the character traits of Wang Lung?

The first trait is his love of the land, which enables his piety, his good sense, his frugality, his work ethic, and his love of family. The second trait is his desire for wealth and status.

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