Why did President Jefferson hire Lewis and Clark?

Why did President Jefferson hire Lewis and Clark?

President Thomas Jefferson commissioned the expedition shortly after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 to explore and to map the newly acquired territory, to find a practical route across the western half of the continent, and to establish an American presence in this territory before European powers attempted to …

What was the reason for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–1806) was a federally funded venture to explore the North American West. The expedition’s principal objective was to survey the Missouri and Columbia rivers, locating routes that would connect the continental interior to the Pacific Ocean.

Why did Lewis and Clark hire Sacagawea and her husband?

Lewis and Clark met Charbonneau and quickly hired him to serve as interpreter on their expedition. Even though she was pregnant with her first child, Sacagawea was chosen to accompany them on their mission. Lewis and Clark believed that her knowledge of the Shoshone language would help them later in their journey.

What were 2 basic reasons for the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The Official Reason: Commerce and Trade To obtain the funds from Congress, Jefferson had to present a practical reason for sending explorers into the wilderness. It was also important to establish that the expedition was not setting out to provoke war with the Indian tribes found in the western wilderness.

What did Thomas Jefferson want Lewis and Clark to accomplish?

Jefferson wanted to improve the ability of American merchants to access the ports of China. Establishing a river route from St. Lewis and Clark were thus instructed to map the territory through which they would pass and to explore all tributaries of the Missouri River.

Did Lewis and Clark pay Sacagawea?

Sacagawea was the only female among 32 male members of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Sacagawea on the other hand was paid nothing. She fulfilled many roles as the expedition progressed and proved to be an asset for the Corps of Discovery.

What were the achievements of Lewis and Clark?

The accomplishments of the Lewis and Clark Expedition were extensive. It altered the imperial struggle for the control of North America, particularity in the Pacific Northwest. It strengthened the U.S. claim to the areas now known as the states of Oregon and Washington.

Who was the guide that helped Lewis and Clark?

Along the way, Lewis and Clark received valuable guidance from the only woman in the group, a Shoshone named Sacagawea. Sacagawea was married to a French fur trader who had joined the Corps of Discovery, and she had just given birth to an infant son. Sacagawea shared her knowledge of the land.

Who joined Lewis and Clark?

Alexander Hamilton Willard (1777–1865) was a blacksmith who joined the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Who was the youngest of Lewis and Clarks crew?

Sergeant Charles Floyd , the youngest man on the expedition, dies of a suspected ruptured appendix near modern-day Sioux City, Iowa. Incredibly, Floyd’s is the only death during the entire two-year expedition.

Who led Lewis and Clark through the wilderness?

In this idealized image, Sacagawea leads Lewis and Clark through the Montana wilderness. In reality, she was still a teenager at the time and served as interpreter; she did not actually guide the party, although legend says she did.

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