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Why Christmas is called Xmas?
In the early days of the Christian church, Christians used the letter X as a secret symbol to indicate their membership in the church to others. If you know the Greek meaning of X, Xmas and Christmas essentially mean the same thing: Christ + mas = Christmas.
What is the meaning of Merry X mas?
For us as Christians, [Christmas] is one of the most holy of the holidays, the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. And for people to take Christ out of Christmas. They’re happy to say merry Xmas. But those who make this argument are barking up the wrong tree, because, you see, the X in “Xmas” literally means Jesus.
What is the different between Xmas and Christmas?
The difference between Xmas and Christmas is that Xmas is the shortened form of the word, whereas Christmas or Christmas Day is the occasion that is commended by Christians as the introduction of Jesus Christ. Many also see the ‘X’ as a form of a cross, hence Cross-mas, which sounds a lot like Christmas.
How do you write x mas?
Xmas is the correct way to shorten Christmas and the reference to the Greek letter is also correct.
Is it bad to say Xmas?
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Christmas is also known on paper as XMAS. But some people just don’t agree with the spelling of the holiday. They believe it takes the Christ out of Christmas, saying it’s a modern and disrespectful abbreviation that focuses on the commercialization of this Christian holiday.
What does ex mean Latin?
ex- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “out, out of, away, forth.
Is Xmas is better than Christmas?
Christmas or Christmas Day is the holiday which is celebrated by Christians as the birth of Jesus Christ while Xmas is the abbreviation of the word. 2. The word “Christmas” is the spelling most preferred by most Christians while businesses and advertisements prefer to use the word “Xmas” because it is more concise.
Can you say Merry Xmas?
In general, “Happy Holidays” is accepted as the broadest and most inclusive greeting at this time of year. If you know someone celebrates Christmas you can go with “Merry Christmas,” but ’tis the season for interacting with strangers (selling to them, buying from them, bumping into them on your way out of Target).
What does X mean in Hebrew?
In Kabbalistic philosophy, a branch of Jewish mysticism, as referring to both life and death. X as a sign of the cross where Christ was crucified, or for Christ himself. But this symbol, or marker, can also be understood as a “crossing over” to another dimension: a transcendence, transformation, or transmigration.
Who started Xmas?
The church in Rome began celebrating Christmas on December 25 in the 4th century during the reign of Constantine, the first Christian emperor, possibly to weaken pagan traditions.
What does “Xmas” really mean?
The noun XMAS has 1 sense: 1. a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland. Familiarity information: XMAS used as a noun is very rare.
What does X Mas mean?
Xmas (also X-mas) is a common abbreviation of the word Christmas. It is sometimes pronounced /ˈɛksməs/, but Xmas, and variants such as Xtemass, originated as handwriting abbreviations for the typical pronunciation /ˈkrɪsməs/.
What does the Bible say about Christmas?
Celebration of a holiday called “Christmas” is not mentioned in the Bible, but Romans 14 lays out the proper Christian perspective in regard to food, drink, and “special days.” It says, starting in verse 5, that “ One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike.
What is the true reason for Christmas?
The real reason for the Christmas season is to confuse and deceive people about what the Bible teaches about Jesus’ miraculous birth. Satan the devil has done a superb job of mixing a good amount of deception with a little bit of truth to produce a religious holiday that deceivingly appeals to both the head and heart.