Who ruled the Roman Empire before Emperor Hadrian?

Who ruled the Roman Empire before Emperor Hadrian?

The emperors of this period were Nerva (96–98), Trajan (98–117), Hadrian (117–138), Antoninus Pius (138–161) and Marcus Aurelius (161–180), each one adopted by his predecessor as his successor during the former’s lifetime.

Who came first Hadrian and Trajan?

Early life His father died in 85, and Hadrian was entrusted to the care of two men: one, a cousin of his father, later became the emperor Trajan, and the other, Acilius Attianus, later served as prefect of the emperor’s Praetorian Guard early in Hadrian’s own reign.

Who succeeded Emperor Hadrian?

After serving as consul in 120, Antoninus was assigned by the emperor Hadrian (ruled 117–138) to assist with judicial administration in Italy. He governed the province of Asia (c. 134) and then became an adviser to the Emperor. In 138 Antoninus was adopted by Hadrian and designated as his successor.

Was Marcus Aurelius a good or bad Emperor?

Marcus Aurelius was the last of the Five Good Emperors of Rome. His reign (161–180 CE) marked the end of a period of internal tranquility and good government. After his death the empire quickly descended into civil war. He has symbolized the Golden Age of the Roman Empire for many generations in the West.

What did Emperor Hadrian do?

Hadrian was an emperor of the Roman Empire from the years 117-138. He was a powerful ruler committed to strengthening the Empire. Hadrian oversaw several important building projects, including the Temple of Venus and Roma and Hadrian’s Wall.

Where did Emperor Hadrian live?

Hadrian/Places lived

Did Hadrian have any siblings?

Paulina Minor

Who was Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer’s father?

His father was Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer, a senator of praetorian rank, born and raised in Italica but paternally linked, through many generations over several centuries, to a family from Hadria (modern Atri ), an ancient town in Picenum. The family had settled in Italica soon after its founding by Scipio Africanus.

Who was the Roman Emperor from 117 to 138?

Hadrian (/ˈheɪdriən/; Latin: Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus; 24 January 76 – 10 July 138) was Roman emperor from 117 to 138. Hadrian is known for building Hadrian’s Wall, which marked the northern limit of Britannia.

Who was the Roman Emperor who consolidated the Roman Empire?

Hadrian, Roman emperor (117–138 CE), the emperor Trajan’s cousin and successor, who was a cultivated admirer of Greek civilization and who unified and consolidated Rome’s vast empire. He was the third of the so-called Five Good Emperors. Learn more about Hadrian’s life and reign.

Who was the most versatile Emperor in Roman history?

Hadrian has been described as the most versatile of all Roman emperors, who “adroitly concealed a mind envious, melancholy, hedonistic, and excessive with respect to his own ostentation; he simulated restraint, affability, clemency, and conversely disguised the ardor for fame with which he burned.”.

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