Who is the No 1 intelligence agency in the world?

Who is the No 1 intelligence agency in the world?

the ISI
According to some experts, the ISI is the largest intelligence agency in the world in terms of total staff. While the total number has never been made public, experts estimate around 10,000 officers and staff, which does not include informants or assets.

What is Russian intelligence called?

KGB, Russian in full Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, English Committee for State Security, foreign intelligence and domestic security agency of the Soviet Union.

What is the FBI equivalent in other countries?

The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens. Unlike the FBI, it is prohibited from collecting information regarding “U.S. Persons,” a term that includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations, regardless of where they are located.

Which is the most powerful agency in the world?

These Are The World’s Most Powerful Intelligence Agencies

  • CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), USA –
  • RAW (Research and Analysis Wing), India –
  • Mossad, Israel –
  • ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), Pakistan –
  • MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service), UK –
  • GRU (Main Intelligence Agency), Russia –

What is Mossad in Israel?

It is one of the main entities in the Israeli Intelligence Community, along with Aman (military intelligence) and Shin Bet (internal security). Mossad is responsible for intelligence collection, covert operations, and counter-terrorism. Its director answers directly and only to the Prime Minister.

What is the French FBI called?

General Directorate for External Security
The General Directorate for External Security (French: Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure, DGSE) is France’s foreign intelligence agency, equivalent to the British MI6 and the American CIA.

What is the name of intelligence agency of Iran?

The Ministry of Intelligence of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Persian: وزارت اطّلاعات جمهوری اسلامی ایران‎, romanized: Vezarat-e Ettela’at Jomhuri-ye Eslami-ye Iran) is the primary intelligence agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran and a member of the Iran Intelligence Community.

What’s higher than the CIA?

The National Security Agency (NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

Which country has best intelligence?

Top 10 Smartest Countries by IQ – Ulster Institute 2019:*

  • Japan – 106.49.
  • Taiwan – 106.47.
  • Singapore – 105.89.
  • Hong Kong (China) – 105.37.
  • China – 104.10.
  • South Korea – 102.35.
  • Belarus – 101.60.
  • Finland – 101.20.

What is Canadian CIA called?

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)
The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS, pronounced “see-sis”) is Canada’s spy agency. CSIS is not a police agency like the RCMP – its officers have no power to arrest or detain and do not enforce the Criminal Code or other laws.

What is the name of China’s Intelligence Agency?

The Ministry of State Security (MSS) is China’s mainline spy agency. It conducts counterintelligence, foreign intelligence and political security; i.e., keeps the public in-line from doing dastardly things, like protesting against their government’s policies they may disagree with.

What do we know about China’s spy agency?

Not much is known about China’s sprawling espionage operation, but this is what we do know. What is the MSS? The Ministry of State Security is China’s main civilian intelligence agency.

What is the purpose of an intelligence agency?

An intelligence agency is a government agency responsible for the collection, analysis, and exploitation of information in support of law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Crime Intelligence Branch (CRIB-Botswana Police Service Criminal Investigations Department unit)

What does the Chinese National Intelligence Law say?

Article 14 of China’s 2017 National Intelligence Law mandates that Chinese intelligence agencies “may ask relevant institutions, organizations and citizens to provide necessary support, assistance and cooperation.” Honey trapping and kompromat are also common tools of Chinese intelligence services.

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