Who is Charles Dana?

Who is Charles Dana?

Charles Anderson Dana (August 8, 1819 – October 17, 1897) was an American journalist, author, and senior government official. During the American Civil War, he served as Assistant Secretary of War, playing especially the role of the liaison between the War Department and General Ulysses S.

How does Charles Dana describe President Lincoln?

Dana was an unabashed admirer of the President, later writing that Mr. Lincoln was a great military strategist and “a born leader of men. He knew human nature; he knew what chord to strike, and was never afraid to strike when he believed that the time had arrived.”

What is a Dana Professor?

Dana professors, an award at Ithaca College that recognizes significant contributions in the areas of teaching, scholarship and service. The awards are funded through the Dana Endowment by a gift made to Ithaca College by the Charles A. Dana Foundation in 1973.

Who was Charles Dana and what did he do?

Charles Anderson Dana. Charles Anderson Dana (August 8, 1819 – October 17, 1897) was an American journalist, author, and senior government official. He was a top aide to Horace Greeley as the managing editor of the powerful Republican newspaper New York Tribune until 1862.

Which is the best biography of Charles Anderson Dana?

James Harrison Wilson, The Life of Charles A. Dana (1907), is a sympathetic biography, but Charles J. Rosebault, When Dana Was the Sun (1931), is livelier and more colorful. The best serious study of Dana’s ideas is Candace Stone, Dana and the Sun (1938).

What did Charles Anderson Dana do during the Civil War?

During the American Civil War, he served as Assistant Secretary of War, playing especially the role of the liaison between the War Department and General Ulysses S. Grant. In 1868 he became the editor and part-owner of The New York Sun.

Why did Charles Anderson Dana go to Albany?

In 1861, Dana went to Albany to advance the cause of Greeley as a candidate for the U. S. Senate, and nearly succeeded in nominating him. The caucus was about equally divided between Greeley’s friends and those of William M. Evarts, while Ira Harris had a few votes which held the balance of power.

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