Who is an ardent supporter of the village panchayat?

Who is an ardent supporter of the village panchayat?

Answer: mahatma gandhi was the ardent supporter of village panchayat.

Who was an ardent supporter?

If you are ardent, you are passionate about something. A pop star’s ardent admirers might go so crazy at his concert that they faint from excitement. Ardent is most often used to modify words like supporter, fan, advocate, admirer, and defender — but also opponent.

What is the head of the village panchayat called?

Village Level Panchayat The council leader is named Sarpanch in Hindi, and each of the five members is a Gram Panchayat Sadasya or Panch. In such a system, each villager can voice his opinion in the governance of his village.

Who is the paid officer of the Panchayat?

It has been stated that the Panchayats with a population of more than 5000 will have a Panchayat Development Officer (PDO) with a pay of Rs 12,000/- per month and a Junior Engineer (JE) with a pay of Rs 10,000/- per month.

Who constitutional amendment has directed the state government for the formation of village Panchayat?

73rd Constitutional Amendment has directed the State Government for the formation of village Panchayats.

What is an ardent disciple?

Intensely enthusiastic or devoted; zealous. An ardent disciple. adjective. 1.

What does ardent opponent mean?

adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Ardent is used to describe someone who has extremely strong feelings about something or someone.

Who was the leader of the village?

A village head, village headman or village chief is the community leader of a village or a small town.

Who is known as Head of village?

The Head of a Village Panchayat is called the Sarpanch.

Who appoints the Panchayat secretary in the village?

The Panchayat is chaired by the president of the village, known as a Sarpanch. The term of the elected representatives is five years. The Secretary of the Panchayat is a non-elected representative, appointed by the state government, to oversee Panchayat activities.

Who maintains records and register of the work done by the Panchayat?

The answer to this question is the Block Development Officer or the BDO. It is the BDO who looks after the working of the panchayat and maintains the records and the registers of the same as the money from the government is passed through them to the panchayats.

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