Who did Anne Frank have on her wall?

Who did Anne Frank have on her wall?

The walls in the Secret Annex tell their own stories. Anne brightened up her room with pictures. Otto put pencil marks on the wall to record how much Anne and Margot had grown; on a map pinned to the wall, he tracked the progress of the Allied Forces.

What did Anne Frank hang on her wall?

Anne decorated her room with pictures of Hollywood stars, art, and royalty. Anne’s room was cramped and bare. To brighten things up, she pasted pictures of landscapes, movie stars, members of the Royal Family, and art on the walls.

Who plasters the walls with posters Anne Frank?

the van Daans
Anne’s father had brought her movie posters to the attic in advance, so she plasters her bedroom walls with them. Anne looks forward to the arrival of the van Daans, the other family who will live with them in the annex.

What color were Anne Frank’s eyes?

Anne Frank was a German-Jewish girl. She was born in Frankfurt Germany on July 12, 1929. Anne Frank’s hair color was black and her eye color was green. She was an optimistic girl with a hunger for knowledge and creativity.

What is Anne Frank’s weight?

8 pounds
Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929 in Frankfurt, at the Maingau Red Cross Hospital. She weighed over 8 pounds and was 54 cm long.

Why does Anne sleep on the divan?

“Outside, fresh air and laughter,” a voice inside me screams; I don’t even try to answer anymore, I lie down on a divan and sleep in order to shorten the time, the silence, the terrible fear too, because there is no question of killing them. ‘

Why did Mrs Frank want Mr Van Daan to leave the annex?

The crisis comes when Mr. Van Daan steals some bread from the storage box. Mrs. Frank, normally even-tempered and reasonable, insists that the Van Daans leave the annex, since they can no longer be trusted to act with even the most basic decency.

Who was Anne’s best friend when she was in hiding Class 10?

At first, Anne writes to Pop more often than to Kitty Although Kitty was to become Anne’s most important imaginary friend, during the first half year in the Secret Annex, she addressed most of her letters to others. ‘Pop’, for instance, got nine letters, while Kitty received only eight.

Where did Anne Frank hide in the house?

Margot Frank received a letter ordering her to report to a work camp in Germany in July 1942. Anne Frank’s family went into hiding in an attic apartment behind Otto Frank’s business, located at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam, on July 6, 1942.

Who did Anne Frank have to go into hiding with?

Anne had to go into hiding with her parents and sister , as the Nazi anti-Jewish measures in the Netherlands made it too dangerous for them to stay in their own home. In the Secret Annex, Anne was left to her own resources.

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding?

Answer Wiki. Anne was the second daughter in a Jewish family that emigrated to Amsterdam from Germany to escape Nazi persecution. During nearly 2 years of the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, she, her parents and sister and others went into hiding in June 1942 to avoid being sent to a concentration camp, or killed outright, during the Holocaust.

Who arrested Anne Frank and her family?

Karl Silberbauer was the Sicherheitsdienst (Nazi Security Service) officer who arrested Anne Frank and her family in their hiding place in 1944. He was tracked down and identified as the arresting officer in October 1963 by the Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal .

Who gave away Anne Franks hiding place?

During WWII, Anne Frank’s family hid in the Secret Annex for over 2 years, with the Van Pels family and Fritz Pfeffer. Who gave away the Franks hiding place? Willem Van Maaren

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