Who developed the 1st sterilization method?

Who developed the 1st sterilization method?

Two major contributions to the art of sterilization came in the 1860’s when the French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur wrote extensively on how germs cause disease and the English physician, Joseph Lister, developed a technique that used carbolic acid as a spray to disinfect instruments.

When was ethylene oxide first used for sterilization?

Although steam sterilization is highly effective and environmentally friendly, the introduction of heat and/or moisture sensitive medical devices prompted the development of low temperature chemical sterilization methods. Ethylene oxide (EtO) was first used as a chemical sterilant in healthcare settings in the 1950s.

What does EO mean in sterilization?

Ethylene Oxide Processing
Ethylene Oxide Processing. Ethylene oxide (also known as EO or EtO) is a low temperature gaseous process widely used to sterilize a variety of healthcare products, such as single-use medical devices.

How long has EO been used to sterilize?

History of EO Use Ethylene oxide boasts nearly a seventy-year history of use in healthcare facilities and the medical device industry. First described as an insecticide in 1928, it became widely used in the U.S. as a fumigant for imported agricultural products during the subsequent decades.

Who introduced the sterilization techniques and developed autoclave?


Cutaway illustration of a jacketed rectangular-chamber autoclave
Uses Sterilization
Inventor Charles Chamberland
Related items Waste autoclave

When did surgeons start disinfecting?

Antisepsis or asepsis? Antiseptic surgery was largely pioneered by Joseph Lister in the 1860s, when he used phenol (known at the time as carbolic acid) as a disinfectant.

Who uses ethylene?

Medical: Ethylene is used as an anaesthetic. Metal Fabrication: Ethylene is used as oxy-fuel gas in metal cutting, welding and high velocity thermal spraying. Refining: Ethylene is used as refrigerant, especially in LNG liquefaction plants. Rubber & Plastics: Ethylene is used in the extraction of rubber.

How was ethylene discovered?

Ethylene oxide was first described in 1859 by WURTZ [8], who prepared it by eliminating hydrochloric acid from ethylenechlorohydrin, using potassium hy- droxide solution. Industrial production by the chlorohydrin process began in 1914 and was based on WURTZ’s discovery.

What is EO stand for?

Acronym Definition
EO Executive Order
EO Equal Opportunity
EO Essential Oil
EO Earth Observation

Why is Eto harmful?

Both human and animal studies show that EtO is a carcinogen that may cause leukemia and other cancers. EtO is also linked to spontaneous abortion, genetic damage, nerve damage, peripheral paralysis, muscle weakness, as well as impaired thinking and memory.

What is EtO sterilization used for?

ETO is used in healthcare facilities to sterilize critical items (and sometimes semicritical items) that are moisture or heat sensitive and cannot be sterilized by steam sterilization.

Why is EtO harmful?

Is the FDA using ethylene oxide for sterilization?

The FDA believes the Ethylene Oxide Sterilization Master File Pilot Program should result in sterilization facilities using a greatly reduced amount of ethylene oxide while still providing robust patient safeguards.

What kind of sterilization equipment do you need for EO?

All EO cycles must be run using sterilization equipment that has been calibrated and for which IQ and OQ processes have been completed. Verify equipment status with the contract sterilizer before initiating the validation cycles.

What kind of bacteria is used for EO sterilization?

The indicator organism is Bacillus atrophaeus (formerly subtilis var. niger), a spore forming bacteria with well characterized resistance to the EO sterilization process. Most commonly, B. atrophaeus spore strips with a population of 106 colony forming units (cfu) per strip are used.

What are the biological indicators of EO sterilization?

Monitoring EO Sterilization – Biological Indicators Usually, the BI contains at least a million spores of an organism that is highly-resistant to the EO process. The name of the bacterium is commonly Bacillus subtilisor B. subtilis. It has been renamed and is officially B. atrophaeus.

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