Which property explains why a lot of oxygen can be pumped into a small container?

Which property explains why a lot of oxygen can be pumped into a small container?

the property of compressibility explains why oxygen gas an be pumped into a vary small container.

Which of the following can increase the pressure of a gas?

Summary. An increase in the number of gas molecules in the same volume container increases pressure. A decrease in container volume increases gas pressure. An increase in temperature of a gas in a rigid container increases the pressure.

Do gases have mass?

Gases have mass. The space between gas particles is empty. Gases can be formed as products in chemical reactions. Gas particles can form bonds between them under certain conditions.

What causes the pressure in gas?

Gas pressure is caused when gas particles hit the walls of their container. The more often the particles hit the walls, and the faster they are moving when they do this, the higher the pressure.

What happens to gas when pressure increases?

Boyle found that when the pressure of gas at a constant temperature is increased, the volume of the gas decreases. this relationship between pressure and volume is called Boyle’s law. So, at constant temperature, the answer to your answer is: the volume decreases in the same ratio as the ratio of pressure increases.

Is air really there?

Most animals and anything that has to breathe like us humans needs air to live. So in conclusion, we know air exists because first of all, we breathe it everyday and its necessary for most things living on this earth. Lastly, air is just made up of mainly nitrogen and oxygen. These things all prove that air exists.

What would happen if you tried to squeeze a gas into a small container?

If you have a container filled with a gas, you can squeeze it down to a smaller volume by applying pressure. The harder you squeeze (the more pressure you apply) the smaller the resulting volume will be. Imagine a bicycle pump compressing air into a tire.

What happens to the gas pressure if the gas is released from a small container to a large container?

Pressure is also affected by the volume of the container. If the volume of a container is decreased, the gas molecules have less space in which to move around. As a result, they will strike the walls of the container more often and the pressure increases. The pressure of the gas doubles.

What causes air pressure in a container?

Should a gas have a higher pressure when it is in a small container or a large one?

Should a gas have a higher pressure when it is in a small container or a large one give your answer as a CER?

When a gas occupies a smaller volume, it exerts a higher pressure; when it occupies a larger volume, it exerts a lower pressure (assuming the amount of gas and the temperature do not change). Since P and V are inversely proportional, a graph of 1/P vs.

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