Which of the boys from holes is the understood leader?

Which of the boys from holes is the understood leader?

Which of the boys is the understood leader? How do you know this? X-Ray, because he tells everyone what to do.

What do you think the line order to get water symbolizes?

What do you think the line order to get water symbolizes? The line order symbolizes the hiearchy of power amongst the boys.

What kind of tattoo does Mr. Sir have in holes?

rattlesnake tattoo
Mr. Sir acts as the guard at Camp Green Lake. He wears a big cowboy hat and sunglasses and has a rattlesnake tattoo on his arm.

What order do the boys line up in holes?

What’s the significance of this order? In Holes, the boys always line up for water in the same order because it is an order based on trust and loyalty. X-Ray is always at the head of the queue because he’s the unofficial leader of the boys at D tent. This is a sign of the respect that he has earned from the other boys.

What is the order of the line in holes?

When the water truck comes Stanley notices that there is always an order to the line, with X-Ray followed by Armpit, Squid, Zigzag, Magnet, Zero, and then Stanley.

Who robbed Stanley’s great grandfather?

Kissin’ Kate Barlow
The first Stanley Yelnats, the protagonist’s great grandfather, made a fortune on the stock market. The family’s bad luck struck him when he moved from New York to California and was robbed by Kissin’ Kate Barlow.

Why does Attorney Take 0 with her Stanley?

Morengo at first? Because he does not want to leave Zero alone at Camp Greenlake. Why does Stanley’s attorney take Zero with them when they leave? The warden can’t produce Zero’s record to show why he was incarcerated.

What happens to Mr. Sir At the end of the book Holes?

When Mr. Sir finished speaking, she asked Stanley if he knew what she was doing. She then scratched Mr. Sir across the face, causing him to collapse in pain.

Who are the main characters in the book Holes?

Characters Stanley Yelnats Stanley is the protagonist of Holes, although he is an unlikely hero. He is an overweight boy who does not have any friends from school and is often picked on by his classmates and the school bully, Derrick Dunne.

What kind of character is Stanley Yelnats in holes?

Stanley Yelnats. Stanley shares these traits with his family and although he does not have a lot of self-confidence, he is not easily depressed, a characteristic that helps him adjust to the horrendous conditions of Camp Green Lake. As the book progresses, Stanley slowly develops physical strength and personal strength.

Who is the warden in the book Holes?

Zigzag is very violent and does not even apologize to Stanley after hitting him in the head with a shovel. The Warden is the ultimate symbol of cruel authority at Camp Green Lake. She rewards only those who do what she wants and uses her power to threaten everyone else.

Why do the boys have to dig holes every day?

What is the reason Mr. Pendenski gives for why the boys have to dig a hole every day in Holes? Mr. Pedanski says that digging holes is supposed to build character. Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake for stealing a famous ball player’s shoes. They actually fell on his head.

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