Which Harvest Moon is the best for DS?

Which Harvest Moon is the best for DS?

Ranked: The Best Harvest Moon Games

  • 8 8. Story of Seasons.
  • 7 7. Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands.
  • 6 6. Harvest Moon: Magical Melody.
  • 5 5. Harvest Moon: Animal Parade.
  • 4 4. Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns.
  • 3 3. Harvest Moon: Back to Nature.
  • 2 Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life.
  • 1 1. Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town.

What does the necklace do in Harvest Moon DS?

Sprite Shop, Free to 50,000 G The necklaces allow you to use your tools from anywhere on the map, indoors or outdoors. You will start your game with the standard Necklace, and you can purchase upgrades from Jet’s shop at the Sprite Tree. Each set of Necklaces will allow you to use the tool’s power up to the same level.

Can you marry the Witch Princess in Harvest Moon DS Cute?

The Witch) is a character in Harvest Moon: DS and Harvest Moon DS: Cute. She is one of the special bachelorettes available to marry in DS (and also best friended only in Japanese version of Cute). Rival to the Harvest Goddess, the Witch Princess is responsible for the Harvest Goddess turning to stone.

Is Doraemon story of season worth it?

Overall, this game feels like a watered-down Story of Seasons experience in the end, one that has traded gameplay and variety away for story and themes. If you’re starving for a new farming simulator, though, Doraemon: Story of Seasons is certainly worth a look.

How do you break up SOS Poot?

If you want to get divorced, then visit the shrine at the highest point in Olive Town, located behind the museum. Once you’re married, you’ll notice that a new option, called ‘Special Prayer’ will have been added and selecting it will give you the option to ‘Reset Family Status.

Where does Muffy live in Harvest Moon DS?

This lovely lady spends a lot of her time working at the Blue Bar. She lives there with her boss, Griffin. Muffy tries to always have a smile on her face but she is secretly afraid of getting her heart broken. During the day she can be found near the Goddess Pond and at night she’ll be mixing drinks at the Bar.

Who are the bachelorettes in Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town?

If you insert a game of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town or More Friends of Mineral town, that adds another five girls. The bachelorettes of Forget-Me-Not Valley are divided up into three categories. The normal girls: Lumina, Muffy, Celia, Flora, and Nami. Special girls: the Harvest Goddess, Leia the mermaid, the Witch Princess, and Keria.

Who are the normal girls in Harvest Moon?

The normal girls: Lumina, Muffy, Celia, Flora, and Nami. Special girls: the Harvest Goddess, Leia the mermaid, the Witch Princess, and Keria. And the girls that you can only get from the GBA connection with FoMT or MFoMT: Popuri, Karen, Mary, Ann, and Elli. In order to raise a bachelorette’s affection for you, you must give her gifts.

What’s the hardest thing to do in Harvest Moon?

The hardest one is rescuing 60 Harvest Sprites, which will free the Harvest Goddess from her spell. The next one is you have seen all of the girl’s four Heart Events in order. The final one is purchasing the Big Bed from TV Shopping.

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