Which food group is go foods?

Which food group is go foods?

Go Foods: Are grains or starchy foods like bread, rice, pasta, or oats. Are high in carbohydrates. Give our body energy to do things like run and play.

What are the 5 main group foods?

The 5 main groups

  • fruit and vegetables.
  • potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydrates.
  • beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins.
  • dairy and alternatives.
  • oils and spreads.

What is go grow glow food groups?

Go Foods gives you energy to play, skip and run. Grow foods provides your body with what it needs to build and repair body tissues. While Glow foods helps your body to fight diseases and makes your body look beautiful and healthy. Some Go foods are bread ,butter,rice.

Is potato go food?

Go Foods are the type of food that provide fuel and help us ‘go’ and be active. Examples of ‘Go’ foods include bread, rice, pasta, cereals and potato. These foods give our muscles fuel to run, swim, jump, cycle and our brain fuel to concentrate.

What are the 6 Caribbean food groups?

Food guide It is divided into the six Caribbean food groups: staples, vegetables, fruits, legumes, foods from animals and fats and oils; and surrounded by images of people doing physical activity.

What are examples of GO foods grow foods and glow foods?

Go foods include breads, rice, pasta and other grains. Glow Foods: These are our sources of vitamins and minerals. They help prevent disease. Examples of glow foods would include fruits and vegetables.

What foods are considered to be go foods?

The kinds of foods that are categorized as “Go” foods contain carbohydrates. If you think of bread, pasta and rice, you are absolutely right! Those are generic food names that are rich in carbohydrates. Other favorite foods from this category are oats, cereals and grains.

What does the Go Food Group do for your body?

1 GO FOOD GROUP gives our body heat and energy. 2 GROW FOOD GROUP repairs and build our body cells and tissues… 3 GLOW FOOD GROUP regulate and protect our body. Glow foods are rich in minerals and vitamins.

What foods are in the three food groups?

The three basic food groups are Go,Glow and Grow. 1. GO FOOD GROUP gives our body heat and energy. Foods rich in carbohydrates and starchy foods such as rice, corn,bread, oatmeal, macaroni, noodles, potatoes, camote, gabi, cassava and others. Food rich in sugar are cakes, candies, honey, jam, jellies, molasses and ice cream.

What foods are in the go grow glow Food Group?

What are go grow and glow food groups? Breads, Rice, pasta and other grains are Go foods. They help us to run, jump and play all day. These are our fats and carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables are Glow foods. They help our hair shine and our eyes sparkle. Dairy, beans, meat and meat alternatives are Grow foods.

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