Which element of the Word program window shows the settings for the top and bottom document margins?

Which element of the Word program window shows the settings for the top and bottom document margins?


Term Template Definition A formatted document that contains placeholder text
Term The status bar Definition Which of the following shows the number of words in the document?
Term Vertical ruler Definition Which element of the Word program window shows the settings for the top and bottom document margins?

What is an interactive object that you can use to customize a document with your own information called?

Review for Section ABC Specialized Word Processing

Question Answer
By default, what is the active tab type? Left tab
What is an interactive object that you use to customize a document with your own information called? Content Control

What happens when you click zoom level button?

What happens when you click the Zoom level button? The Zoom dialog box opens. Which element of the Word program window displays information about the current document, such as number of pages, and also includes the view and Zoom buttons?

Which option in the Zoom group would you use to display one entire page of a document in the document window?

Do one of the following:

  1. On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click Zoom 100%. This returns the view to 100% zoom.
  2. On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click One Page, Two Pages, or Page Width.
  3. On the View tab, in the Zoom group, click Zoom, and then enter a percentage or choose any other settings that you want.

What provides access to Word commands in Word?

Located just above the Ribbon, the Quick Access Toolbar lets you access common commands no matter which tab is selected.

Which word feature causes red and green?

By default, Word automatically checks your document for spelling and grammar errors, so you may not even need to run a separate spelling and grammar check. These errors are indicated by colored wavy lines. The red line indicates a misspelled word. The green line indicates a grammatical error.

Which tab contains the tools for inserting and managing footnotes and endnotes?

On the References tab, select Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote.

Which element of the Word program window contains buttons for performing operating commands?

Standard toolbar This contains shortcut buttons for the most popular commands.

Where is the zoom button in Word?

Zoom In and Out of a Word Doc Using the Zoom Dialog Box To access this, select the “View” tab and then click the “Zoom” button in the “Zoom” group. The “Zoom” dialog box will appear.

Which element of the Word program window displays how many words you typed?

Status bar. Across the bottom of the Word screen is the status bar, which gives you information about the current document. Standard info includes what page you’re on and how many pages and words make up the document; you can also customize the status bar (Customizing the Status Bar tells you how).

Which element of the Word program window displays information about the current document such as number of pages in also includes the view in zoom buttons?

status bar
The status bar displays the page number of the current page, the total number of pages and words in the document, and the status of spelling and grammar checking. It also includes the view buttons, the Zoom slider, and the Zoom level button. You can customize the status bar to display other information.

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