Which British colony in Africa had a relatively large European farming population and a temperate climate in its highland region?

Which British colony in Africa had a relatively large European farming population and a temperate climate in its highland region?

Which African country, with a temperate climate in its Central Highlands, attracted a relatively large European population? Cecil Rhodes. was the result of the discovery of gold and diamonds in the Boer Transvaal.

What country was the first to colonize Africa?

European colonisation and domination changed the world dramatically. Historians argue that the rushed imperial conquest of the African continent by the European powers started with King Leopold II of Belgium when he involved European powers to gain recognition in Belgium.

Who successfully led an African tribes fight against British colonizers?

One of the chiefs who organised an armed rebellion against British colonial authority was Zulu Chief Bambatha.

How did Africa’s geography shape its history and contribute to its diverse population?

The geography of Africa helped to shape the history and development of the culture and civilizations of Ancient Africa. The geography impacted where people could live, important trade resources such as gold and salt, and trade routes that helped different civilizations to interact and develop.

What is the geography of Sub-Saharan Africa?

Subsaharan Africa is a realm of plateaus and basins with four main river systems. Mountain ranges, volcanic peaks, and large lakes are found in or along the rift valleys of eastern Africa. The rift valleys were created by tectonic activity.

When did Britain first colonize Africa?

The East India Company began establishing trading posts in India in 1600, and the first permanent British settlement in Africa was made at James Island in the Gambia River in 1661.

Why were Europeans defeated by Africans?

Germans were well trained and had a disciplined army. Germans had superior weapons/guns compared to the African soldiers/warriors who used mainly bows and arrows. The African traditional religion which had promised that magic water could protect them from the German bullets failed hence their defeat.

What European Development played the greatest role in enabling Europeans exploit Africa?

The development of steam-powered ships greatly assisted European powers that sought to extend their empires in Africa and Asia.

How did imperialism end?

The American Revolution (1775–83) and the collapse of the Spanish Empire in Latin America in the 1820s ended the first era of European imperialism.

What did David Livingstone do for a living?

David Livingstone obtained great fame from his African missionary and anti-slavery work. The Boers were predominantly of what ethnic background? Dutch The Great Trek was the northeastward advance of the Boers after the British take-over of the Cape Colony. In southern Africa during the 1800s

What did the British and French do in Southeast Asia?

In Southeast Asia, the European emphasis on cash crops led in many areas to the replacement of subsistence agriculture by the growth of large plantations. true In general, the British preferred direct rule, while the French usually implemented indirect rule in their African colonies.

How did the British help end the slave trade?

British colonial policies helped to end the slave trade in Africa and thuggee and sati in India. In the political realm, ultimate control of European colonies in Asia and Africa was maintained by force. The British Raj established a new school system to educate the children of the elite.

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