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Where is the injector control pressure sensor located?
Since the IC pressure sensor is typically located on the injector pump or fuel rail, you need to remove pressure from the fuel system before removing the sensor.
Does a 6.0 have a ICP sensor?
The 6.0 Powerstroke ICP Sensor (Injection Control Pressure Sensor) is one of the most critical sensors on the engine. Failure of the ICP sensor can cause a very wide range of driveability symptoms. If there is oil in the ICP sensor connector, it needs to be replaced.
Where is the ICP sensor on a 2005 6.0 Powerstroke?
The ICP sensor is on the RH valve cover just in front of where oil filler pipe is located.
Where is the ICP sensor located?
The ICP sensor is located on the driver side cylinder head towards the front of the engine near the high pressure oil pump. Remove the electrical connector from the ICP sensor by relieving the retaining clip and pulling upwards away from the sensor.
Can you unplug the ICP sensor?
The key to unplugging the ICP sensor as a test is to see if the engine runs better with it unplugged. If it runs worse, or if there’s no change, then leave the ICP sensor alone.
Does an ICP sensor cause no start?
Injector Control Pressure Sensor: When an ICP is failing, the engine runs extremely rough as load is imposed (under throttle), and the condition can eventually contribute to a 7.3L’s inability to start. If the engine runs smoothly with the connector unplugged, the ICP is bad.
What is a ICP sensor on a 6.0 Ford?
The ICP (Injection Control Pressure) Sensor is responsible for detecting the pressure of the oil feeding the injectors in the Ford 6.0 Powerstroke. A faulty ICP Sensor can cause all kinds of problems. Poor idle, stalling, surging, or not even allowing the engine to start at all.
What happens if you unplug the ICP sensor?
If you unplug the ICP sensor while the truck is running, and nothing changes at all, then your sensor is bad. If the sensor was good and functioning, you should hear a change in the idle because the PCM will bump up ICP.
Can you clean ICP sensor?
Cleaning the ICP sensor won’t do any good. The oil is coming from inside and leaking thru the terminal alongside the pins. If you mean the wiring harness plug, a little solvent to clean shouldn’t hurt, but don’t overdo it so as to soften the wiring insulation. Once the wiring is shot, you’re looking at a new pigtail.