Where is the apostrophe in sisters?

Where is the apostrophe in sisters?

Re: Sister´ or Sister´s room For a singular noun (like “sister”), we add apostrophe s (“sister’s”). For a plural noun ending in s, we just add an apostrophe. (If you had more than one sister sharing a room, it would be your sisters’ room.) Thank you for the answer, 100% clear.

Does my sister’s need an apostrophe?

my sister’s friend’s investments (I have one sister and she has one friend.) my sisters’ friends’ investments (I have many sisters and they have many friends.) my sisters’ friend’s investments (I have many sisters and they have one friend.) my sister’s friends’ investments (I have one sister and she has many friends.)

Where does the apostrophe go in checker?

Use an Apostrophe Checker to Ensure Apostrophes Are Used Properly

  1. With singular nouns not ending in s, add an apostrophe and s.
  2. With singular nouns ending in s, add an apostrophe and s.
  3. With plural nouns ending in s, add an apostrophe after the s.
  4. With plural nouns not ending in s, add an apostrophe and s.

How do you say sisters plural?

“Sisters” is already plural; there’s no way of ‘repluralizing’ it. Describe the picture using the phrase you have in the question, “two sets of sisters”.

How do you make sisters plural?

The plural form of sister is sisters.

Where is the apostrophe in pupils?

pupil is plural, so the apostrophe goes after the s. Pupils’ is when something belongs to more than one pupil. Pupil’s is when it’s only one pupil. pupil is plural, so the apostrophe goes after the s.

How do you use apostrophes UK?

In UK and US English, the apostrophe is used: To indicate the possessive….Sometimes to indicate the structure of unusual words.

  1. To indicate the possessive. This is Peter’s book.
  2. To indicate missing letters in the middle of words or phrases. You can’t have it.
  3. Sometimes to indicate the structure of unusual words.

Does siblings have an apostrophe?

Showing Possession for a Plural Word If a word is plural and ends in s, you add an apostrophe at the end without an s (siblings’).

How do you write multiple sisters?

Whatever you do, don’t mix numerals with spelled-out numbers. Either “I have 2 sisters and 1 brother” or “I have two sisters and one brother”. The latter is generally preferred. It’s ‘both’ sisters, not ‘all’ if there are only two.

Is Sister’s singular or plural?

How do you know where the apostrophe goes?

Generally, if the noun is singular, the apostrophe goes before the s. The witch’s broom. If the noun is plural, the apostrophe goes after the s: The witches’ brooms. However, if the word is pluralized without an s, the apostrophe comes before the s: He entered the men’s room with an armload of children’s clothing.

Where should my apostrophe go?

An apostrophe is a small punctuation mark ( ‘ ) placed after a noun to show that the noun owns something. The apostrophe will always be placed either before or after an s at the end of the noun owner. Always the noun owner will be followed (usually immediately) by the thing it owns.

Do you put an apostrophe after an s in a sentence?

One method, common in newspapers and magazines, is to add an apostrophe + s (‘ s) to common nouns ending in s, but only a stand-alone apostrophe to proper nouns ending in s.

When to use an apostrophe to indicate separate possession?

Rule 5: To indicate separate possession, add whichever possessive sign is appropriate (an apostrophe plus s or an apostrophe alone) to the name of each person: Examples: Bill’s and Tom’s cars (two separate cars: Bill’s car and Tom’s car), James’s and Olivia’s houses (two separate houses: James’s house and Olivia’s house)

Do you put an apostrophe after the word Hastings?

The plural of Hastings is Hastingses. The members of the Birch family are the Birches. To show possession, add an apostrophe. In serious writing, this rule must be followed no matter how strange or awkward the results. Rule 2e. Never use an apostrophe to make a name plural.

Which is the correct possessive form of the night sisters?

“The Night Sisters” is a plural noun. Therefore the possessive form is “The Night Sisters'”, adding just an apostrophe. The proper form of thre example sentence is. Mary tended John throughout the Night Sisters’ passing.

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