Where is radiator drain plug?

Where is radiator drain plug?

Hello, the radiator drain plug will be a the bottom edge of the radiator, facing the engine (passenger side). If you drain the coolant, be sure to catch it with a pan of some sort, and properly dispose of it.

What is the drain plug called on a radiator?

Simply put, the coolant drain plug allows you to easily drain the coolant from your vehicle’s radiator, especially when it’s time to replace the coolant. It saves time and makes it easy to maintain your cooling system. Aside from that, the engine coolant drain plug secures the coolant inside the radiator.

How do you drain the radiator on a Pontiac Grand Prix?

Move the Pontiac Grand Prix to a level area and set the parking brake. Twist the radiator cap one full turn. Place a bucket underneath the radiator and blow the drain plug. Loosen the drain plug and allow the old coolant to drain completely from the radiator into the bucket.

Where is the radiator drain plug on a 2003 Buick Century?

It must be located at the bottom, on one side or the other, in one of the plastic side tanks.

What does a radiator plug look like?

Hi pitina, The radiator plug is usually located at the base of the radiator and looks like a wing-nut. When removed the entire contents of your radiator will be drained. A radiator drain petcock is usually located above the bottom of the radiator.

How do you empty a radiator?

  1. Locate radiator with drain-off valve. To get started, locate the radiator somewhere downstairs in your house that has a drain-off valve on it.
  2. Drain radiators thoroughly.
  3. Open the bleed valves.
  4. Finish up the draining process.

Where do you put coolant in a Pontiac Grand Prix?

How do you add coolant to a Pontiac Grand Prix?

  1. Raise the hood of the Grand Prix and make sure that the engine has cooled completely.
  2. Place a bucket or drain pan under the drain plug on the radiator.
  3. Raise the car enough to remove the jack stands.
  4. Add a 50-50 mix of distilled water and anti-freeze to the radiator.

How do you do a drain flush and fill procedure on a cooling system?

  1. STEP 1 – Safety first.
  2. STEP 2 – Press down on the radiator cap, slowly turn it counter-clockwise until it hisses, wait until the.
  3. STEP 3 – Place a large container under the drain valve at the bottom of the radiator.
  4. STEP 4 – Loosen the drain valve and allow the coolant to completely drain out.

Where is the petcock located?

The petcock is usually always located in the corner of the radiator. Once located, get a pan of some sort, such as a disposable aluminum pan from the store, and place it directly under the petcock.

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