Where do I go after I get the red orb in Sapphire?

Where do I go after I get the red orb in Sapphire?

Pyre and getting the Red Orb, you have to go to Lilycove City and enter Team Magma’s Hideout.

What orb do you give to Kyogre?

Blue Orb
The Blue Orb (Japanese: あいいろのたま Indigo Orb) is a Key Item introduced in Generation III. It is a legendary artifact that is associated with Kyogre.

Can Kyogre learn Thunderbolt?

Moves learnt by TR

TR Move Power
08 Thunderbolt 90
09 Thunder 110
10 Earthquake 100
16 Waterfall 80

What is Kyogre’s true form?

Kyogre (Japanese: カイオーガ Kyogre) is a Water-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation III. While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, Kyogre can undergo Primal Reversion and become Primal Kyogre if it holds the Blue Orb. Kyogre possesses the ability to expand the oceans.

Can Pikachu mega evolve?

In Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, players will be able to Mega Evolve a Pokémon once per battle if they have a Key Stone and the Mega Stone corresponding to that specific Pokémon.

Where do you get the Red Orb in Pokemon Sapphire?

In Pokémon Sapphire, Team Aqua will steal the Red Orb from the summit of Mt. Pyre and use it to awaken Kyogre. However, as Team Aqua has the incorrect orb, they cannot use it to control the super-ancient Pokémon as they intended.

Where is the Red Orb in the 8th gym?

Red orb is on the top of mout pyre (why are you submitting questions for pokemon ruby) If you play sapphire Team aqua have it. The 8th gym is in sotopolis city you need to have dive and have done the cave of orign.

Can you give Groudon a red orb in Pokemon X?

Item manipulating effects (such as Trick and Fling) cannot give Groudon a Red Orb or remove a Red Orb from Groudon. Pokémon holding a Red Orb in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire cannot be traded to Pokémon X and Y . A red, glowing orb said to contain an ancient power.

What do the red orbs in Bulbapedia mean?

A red, glowing orb said to contain an ancient power. An orb that glows red. It is said to contain an incredible power from ancient times. A shiny red orb that is said to have a legend and has a deep connection with the Hoenn region.

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