Where Did Marco Polo sail and explore?

Where Did Marco Polo sail and explore?

Polo sailed south from Venice, Italy, in the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle East. They then went southeast overland to Persia (now Iran), then through the Pamir Mountains and the Gobi Desert, to Beijing, China. They explored the area south of Beijing, including Yunan and Szechuan.

When Did Marco Polo discover America?

Marco Polo may have discovered America in 13th century, map shows | Daily Mail Online.

When did Marco Polo travel the Silk Road?

Marco Polo is arguably the most famous Western traveler to have journeyed on the Silk Road. As a young merchant, he began his journey to China in 1271 and his travels lasted for 24 years.

What was the result of Marco Polo’s exploration?

Because of his exploration of the area, as well as many other areas in the East, such as Indonesia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, and India, China began to experience Western culture. Traversing the Silk Road, Marco Polo was able to not only bring elements of Western culture to the East, but Eastern culture back to the West.

What are all the places Marco Polo explored?

1271: At the age of 17, Marco Polo left Venice on a journey along the Silk Road with his father and uncle. 1271-1274: The Polos traveled through Acre (modern-day Israel), Jerusalem, Persia, Armenia, Anatola, Georgia, Baghdad, Afghanistan, and Tartary en route to the Far East.

What did Marco Polo think of the Khan’s palace?

Marco Polo’s Description of Kublai Khan’s Palace Grounds “From that corner of the enclosure which is towards the north-west there extends a fine Lake, containing foison of fish of different kinds which the Emperor hath caused to be put in there, so that whenever he desires any he can have them at his pleasure.

Did Marco Polo Travel the Strait of Malacca?

Though they never met, Ibn Battuta almost certainly encountered people in his Indian Ocean travels who had seen Marco Polo and his entourage, for in 1292 Marco Polo sailed through the China Sea, the Malacca Strait and the Indian Ocean on his way home to Venice.

What did Marco Polo explore?

Who Was Marco Polo? Marco Polo was a Venetian explorer known for the book The Travels of Marco Polo, which describes his voyage to and experiences in Asia. Polo traveled extensively with his family, journeying from Europe to Asia from 1271 to 1295 and remaining in China for 17 of those years.

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