When and where did Henry Knox die?

When and where did Henry Knox die?

Henry Knox
Personal details
Born July 25, 1750 Boston, Massachusetts Bay, British America
Died October 25, 1806 (aged 56) Thomaston, District of Maine, Massachusetts, U.S.
Political party Federalist

Where is Henry Knox buried?

Henry Knox

Birth 25 Jul 1750 Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA
Death 21 Oct 1806 (aged 56) Thomaston, Knox County, Maine, USA
Burial Thomaston Village Cemetery Thomaston, Knox County, Maine, USA Show Map
Memorial ID 20979 · View Source

When did Henry Knox die?

October 25, 1806
Henry Knox/Date of death

How did Henry Knox lose his fingers?

Two of the most unlikely American heroes of the war were Henry Knox and Nathanael Greene, men who both possessed physical challenges. Knox was missing the third and fourth fingers on his left hand, the result of a hunting accident. To conceal his disfigurement, he always kept his left hand wrapped in a white cloth.

Who was Henry Knox wife?

Lucy Flucker Knoxm. 1774–1806
Henry Knox/Wife
Lucy Flucker Knox (1756-1824) defied eighteenth-century gender roles throughout her life. Rather than marrying a man of equal social class, Lucy disobeyed her family’s wishes and married her true love, Henry Knox, who would become a major general of the Continental Army.

Is Lucy Knox a patriot or a loyalist?

Lucy Knox was fortunate enough to be born into a rich, Loyalist-ranked family which gave her access to homeschooled education and an extensive amount of resources at the house library. Even for a woman of elite social class, she was always regarded as someone with “extensive reading”.

How much did Henry Knox weigh?

around 250 pounds
Over the next several years, he grew into a strong youth, standing over six feet tall and weighing around 250 pounds. As a young man, Knox possessed an inquisitive mind and developed a great interest in military affairs, especially in the uses of artillery.

Who was Hamilton Knox?

Hamilton Knox Grogan Morgan (1807 – 9 June 1854), known as Hamilton Knox Grogan until 1828, was an Irish Whig, Repeal Association and Conservative politician. He married Sophia Maria Rowe, daughter of Ebenezer Radford Rowe, with whom he had one child: Jane Colclough Morgan (died 1872).

When did Henry Knox get married?

June 16, 1774 (Lucy Flucker Knox)
Henry Knox/Wedding dates

Where did Lucy flucker Knox live?

At Valley Forge, Lucy spent much of her time with Martha Washington. However, as the war raged on and the Continental Army moved towards Philadelphia and New York, Lucy was forced to separate from Henry again and move in with friends in New Jersey, only seeing him during various trips to different camps.

Who was Henry Knox married to?

Henry Knox/Spouse
Love and marriage during the Revolutionary War through the letters of Lucy and Henry Knox. Love and marriage during the Revolutionary War through the letters of Lucy and Henry Knox. In 1774, Boston bookseller Henry Knox married Lucy Waldo Flucker, the daughter of a prominent Tory family.

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