Whats does intentional mean?

Whats does intentional mean?

The definition of intentional is something done on purpose. If you specifically make a plan to be nice to someone you don’t like very much and you are extremely careful to be nice, this is an example of when your nice behavior would be described as intentional. adjective. 3. Done purposely; intended.

What is an example of intentionally?

Intentionally Sentence Examples Her voice was intentionally cool. I didn’t intentionally keep it a secret. You intentionally tried to deceive me. Carmen wouldn’t cheat, and Gerald wouldn’t intentionally take her away, but if she was unhappy enough, Carmen might leave.

How do you use intentionally in a sentence?

in a planned or intended way: I didn’t ignore her intentionally – I just didn’t recognize her. She was being intentionally unpleasant. I’ve never hurt anybody intentionally in my life.

How can I be an intentional person?

Read my guide on how to develop an abundance mindset.

  1. 6 ways to be intentional every day.
  2. Be deliberate with your day.
  3. Be clear on the result you want.
  4. Be purposeful with your time.
  5. Be considered with your focus.
  6. Become focused on your goals.
  7. Be mindful of your most important relationships.

How do you do something intentionally?

10 Ways To Be Intentional Every Day

  1. Be mindful of the media you consume.
  2. Choose to be kind.
  3. Do something that brings you joy.
  4. Ask “why” before you buy.
  5. Practice active listening.
  6. Make time for self-reflection.
  7. Do something you can be proud of.
  8. Question your “have to’s”

What’s the opposite meaning of intentionally?

Opposite of in a deliberate manner. accidentally. inadvertently. unconsciously. unintentionally.

What does not intentionally mean?

: not done by intention or design : not intentional an unintentional effect causing unintentional harm/offense. Other Words from unintentional Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About unintentional.

How do I become intentional?

Here are 10 simple ways to be intentional every day:

  1. Be mindful of the media you consume.
  2. Choose to be kind.
  3. Do something that brings you joy.
  4. Ask “why” before you buy.
  5. Practice active listening.
  6. Make time for self-reflection.
  7. Do something you can be proud of.
  8. Question your “have to’s”

Why is being intentional important?

Intentionality helps you understand the importance and purpose of your bigger vision and directs your mind and actions to help you achieve it. An intentional focus gives you greater clarity around what you want and takes the guesswork out of where to invest your time and focus.

What does it mean to be intentional in a relationship?

The dictionary defines intentional as “done on purpose; deliberate.” This meaning plays a role in what an intentional relationship is. It involves being active instead of passive and making things happen instead of waiting for them to happen to you. This type of relationship means not giving up when things get tough.

How do you use intentional?

Intentional sentence example

  1. Several ancient writers accuse him of intentional untruthfulness.
  2. When he succeeded in forming it to suit her, she patted him on his woolly head so vigorously that I thought some of his slips were intentional .
  3. This wasn’t entirely intentional , however.

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