What year was Y registration plate?

What year was Y registration plate?

Prefix Letter Age Identifier

1999 V
2000 W
2000 X
2001 Y

What year is a UK Y plate?

The old ‘prefix’ system with a leading single letter to show the year of first registration began on 1 August 1983 with the introduction of the ‘A’ prefix and ended with ‘Y’, which ran from 1 March 2001 until 31 August 2001.

What year is a 70 registration plate?

Upcoming Number Plate Dates

Plate Number Date Range of Plate
19 Plate March 2019 to August 2019
69 Plate September 2019 to February 2020
20 Plate March 2020 to August 2020
70 Plate September 2020 to February 2021

When did car registration plates start to have years on them?

Car Registration Years. On cars and vehicles registered after the suffix number plate style came into play in 1963, the number plate used to always have a year identifier. There may be restrictions on what registration plate you can have on your vehicle, depending on the age of it.

Can you put a 63 plate on a vehicle that is not registered?

It is possible for it to have been manufactured the previous year but not registered, and import vehicles may not have the correct year specific registration number. You cannot fit or assign a number plate to a vehicle that is older than the registration identifier. For example, you would not be allowed to assign a 63 Plate to a 54 plate vehicle.

Where do I find the year code on a car number plate?

Number plates are in the format ‘ A21 ABC ‘, with the first letter denoting the year code. Number plates are in the format ‘ ABC 1A ‘, with the last letter designating the year code. Can I Put A New Plate On An Old Car?

What was the number plate system before 2001?

Number plate systems before 2001 were completely different. Cars registered between 1983-2001 used a prefix format, and those registered between 1962-1982 used a suffix format. The suffix system – cars registered 1963-1982 The age identifier appears at the end of the plate, rather than at the beginning, and is a single letter.

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