What year did My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic come out?

What year did My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic come out?


My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Original release October 10, 2010 – October 12, 2019
Preceded by My Little Pony (1986–1987) My Little Pony Tales (1992)
Related shows My Little Pony: Pony Life (2020–present)

Will there be a season 10 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: Ending; No Season 10 for Discovery Family Series. It looks like the magic has ended. Discovery Family just announced My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic will end with season nine.

Will there be a season 9 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on Netflix?

Season 9 of the series will likely not be seen on Netflix because it is available on Hulu. If Season 9 appears on Netflix, we expect it to launch in late 2020 or early 2021.

How old is Applejack?

Series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Age 28
Birthday Exact birthdate unknown
Sex Female

Who do the MLP characters marry?

My Little Pony: 10 Best Pairings In The Entire Series

  • 3 Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich.
  • 4 Princess Cadance and Shining Armor.
  • 5 Starlight Glimmer and Trixie.
  • 6 Rainbow Dash and Applejack.
  • 7 Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops.
  • 8 Big McIntosh and Sugar Belle.
  • 9 Carrot Cake and Cup Cake.
  • 10 Bright Mac and Pear Butter.

Does Rainbow Dash have a crush?

Soarin has a crush on Rainbow Dash since he met her, but he kept those feelings away until she becomes an official Wonderbolt.

When is fall weather friends on my Little Pony?

Fall Weather Friends is the thirteenth episode of the first season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. In this episode, Applejack and Rainbow Dash ‘s sportsmanship is put to the test as they face off in an Iron Pony competition to see who the better athlete is.

When did my Little Pony Friendship Is Magic come out?

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a 2010 Canadian-American animated television series developed by Lauren Faust. The show premiered on the launch of The Hub in the United States on Sunday, October 10, 2010.

When did season 1 of my Little Pony come out?

Season 1 of the series premiered on October 10, 2010 on The Hub, an American pay television channel partly owned by Hasbro, and concluded on May 6, 2011. The show follows a studious unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle as her mentor Princess Celestia guides her to learn about friendship in the town of Ponyville.

Who are the Friends of Twilight in my Little Pony?

Twilight becomes close friends with five other ponies: Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie, as they all teach each other the magic of friendship.

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