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What would happen if most of the forest are cut down?
Eighty per cent of land animals and plants live in forests and without the trees most of them will die. Trees also keep the ground wet and cool, and help to drive the water cycle. With no trees, the land will heat up and dry out and the dead wood will inevitably result in enormous wildfires.
What would happen if deforestation?
The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people.
What would happen if there was no trees?
Therefore, the absence of trees would result in significantly HIGHER amounts of carbon dioxide in the air and LOWER amounts of oxygen! The filthy air would also be full of airborne particles and pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide and its temperature may increase by up to 12 F.
What will happen if deforestation continues without stopping?
If we don’t stop deforestation, more than half of our plant and animal species will be extinct. It is the oldest ecosystem on Earth and they are impossible to replace.
Why shouldnt we cut down trees?
Cutting trees can result in the loss of habitat for animal species, which can harm ecosystems. According to National Geographic, “70 percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes.”
What would happen if we cut down all the trees answers?
If all trees were cut down and burned, the forest’s carbon storage capacity would be lost to the atmosphere. Some of this carbon would be taken up by the oceans, and some by other ecosystems (such as temperate or arctic forests), but no doubt this would exacerbate climate warming.
How long would it take to cut down all the trees in the world?
The timber industry currently cuts down 15 billion a year, so at current rates it would take at least 200 years to fell them all – probably much longer because a lot of virgin forest is hard to reach. If you gave everyone aged 15 to 65 a chainsaw, they would have to cut down 625 trees each, which might be manageable in a year.
What happens if there are no trees in the forest?
Trees also keep the ground wet and cool, and help to drive the water cycle. A large tree can push 150 tonnes of water into the atmosphere each year, which then falls back on the forest as rain. With no trees, the land will heat up and dry out and the dead wood will inevitably result in enormous wildfires.
What happens if we cut down the Amazon rainforest?
Removing the entire Amazon rainforest would have myriad consequences, with the most obvious ones possibly not the worst. Most people will first think of the carbon currently stored in the Amazon, the world’s largest rainforest.
What happens to the forest during the dry season?
This image, captured by NASA’s Aqua satellite in 2009, shows how the forest and the atmosphere interact to create a uniform layer of “popcorn” clouds during the dry season. It is during this period, the time without rain, that the forest grows the most.