What will M8 detector paper react positively to?

What will M8 detector paper react positively to?

The M8 paper may indicate positive results if used in an area where decontaminants have been used.

How do blister agents work?

Blister agents burn and blister the skin or any other part of the body they contact. Blister agents (whether as a gas, aerosol, or liquid) enter the body primarily through inhalation and dermal contact. They may act on the eyes, mucous membranes, lungs, and skin.

What agents will 3 Colour detector paper detect?

Three color detector papers are to detect minute’s droplets of H, V and G agents, when they fall upon it.

What colors patterns would you detect on your M9 paper if you have been exposed to a liquid chemical agent?

M9 paper is placed on personnel and equipment to identify the presence of liquid chemical agent aerosols. It will turn pink, red, reddish brown, or red-purple when exposed to liquid agents.

Where to put M9 paper if you are left handed?

If you are left handed, place the M9 paper around your left upper arm, right wrist, and left ankle. It is also attached to large pieces of equipment (eg: conditioning systems, shelter or van entrances or vehicles).

Where do you place the M9 detector paper?

Place the M9 detector paper to opposite sides of the body. If you are right handed, place a strip of M9 paper around your right upper arm, left wrist, and right ankle. If you are left handed, place the M9 paper around your left upper arm, right wrist, and left ankle.

How does M9 paper react to chemical agents?

M9 Paper reacts to chemical agents by turning a red or reddish brown color. Place the M9 detector paper to opposite sides of the body. If you are right handed, place a strip of M9 paper around your right upper arm, left wrist, and right ankle. If you are left handed, place the M9 paper around your left upper arm, right wrist, and left ankle.

Can a white light be used to read M9 paper?

Night operations present some problems when using M9 Paper. Color changes will not show up when a flashlight with a red filter is used to read the paper. White light must be used. This could cause some serious OPSEC problems, especially for frontline troops.

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