What was the role of the British East India Company in India?

What was the role of the British East India Company in India?

The East India Company was initially created in 1600 to serve as a trading body for English merchants, specifically to participate in the East Indian spice trade. It later added such items as cotton, silk, indigo, saltpeter, tea, and opium to its wares and also participated in the slave trade.

What was the role of East India company in the field of education?

Answer: The company wanted to educate some of influential Indians and thereby win the confidence of the upper classes and consolidate its rule in India. So the Company established some centres of higher learning for the Hindus and the Muslims.

What role did the East India Company play in the decline of the Mughal Empire?

Rising over regional powers, deposing the Mughals and eliminating European competition, the East India Company deftly brought India under its power. On one side, there was decentralisation of power, with the rise of regional kingdoms and downfall of the mighty Mughal empire.

What was the British East India Company main goal?

The British East India Company, was a joint-stock company which was granted an English Royal Charter [contract] by Elizabeth I on December 31, 1600, with the intention of exploring and trading with India and the surrounding areas. The goal was to make money for the company’s shareholders.

How did British East India Company gained control of India?

The British presence in India began through trade. Men like Robert Clive of the British East India Company combined military prowess with a ruthless ambition and became fabulously wealthy. With wealth came power, and traders took control of huge swathes of India. This clip is from the series Empire.

What were the three main goals of the East India Company?

The most important goals of the East India Company were to spread British influence and power, establishing a trading post in the region, and bring the trade goods back to England to benefit the British investors.

Who were the sepoys 2 What was the role of the British East India Company in India?

Since the 1600s, the British East India Company had operated trading posts in India and employed Indian soldiers, known as sepoys, to protect the Company’s interests. The Company’s influence and power in India grew over the next two centuries.

What were the main objectives of the British in introducing western education in India?

English was the language of communication and all administrative work was done in English. That was the reason why British started teaching English in India so as to raise an army of lowly paid staff to administer India.

Why was the East India Company opposite to missionary activities in India?

Until 1813, the East India Company was opposed to missionary activities in India. It feared that missionary activities would provoke reaction amongst the local population and make them suspicious of British presence in India. Over the 19th century, missionary schools were set up all over India.

What are the three main goals of the East India Company was to?

What are the three main goals of East India Company was to?

What was the purpose of the East India Company?

East India Company 1 The East India Company Began to Focus on Importing From India. In the early 1600s the East India Company began dealing with the Mogul rulers of India. 2 British Influence Spread Across India in the 1700s. 3 The East India Company In the Early 1800s. 4 Religious Discord Led to the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny.

Who was the leader of the British East India Company?

But the major threat to British interests came from the French, who began seizing British trading posts. At the Battle of Plassey, in 1757, forces of the East India Company, though greatly outnumbered, defeated Indian forces backed by the French. The British, led by Robert Clive, had successfully checked the French incursions.

When did the British government dissolve the East India Company?

Following the uprising in India, the British government dissolved the company. Parliament passed the Government of India Act of 1858, which ended the company’s role in India and declared that India would be governed by the British crown.

When did the East India Company first sail from England?

Ships of the company’s first voyage sailed from England in February 1601. After a series of conflicts with Dutch and Portuguese traders active in the Spice Islands, the East India Company concentrated its efforts on trading on the Indian subcontinent.

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