What was the purpose of the Joliet and Marquette?

What was the purpose of the Joliet and Marquette?

French officials commissioned Louis Joliet and Father Marquette to explore the region and to claim that vast stretch of land for the French Crown. Count de Frontenac, vice-regent to Louis XIV, saw this expedition as the first step in creating a French empire stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

What was Jacques Marquette looking for?

Father Jacques Marquette – Discovery of Central America

Name Jacques Marquette
Known For Founded Michigan’s first European settlement, Sault Ste. Marie
Famous Expedition(s) Explore and map the northern portion of the Mississippi River
Expedition Partner(s) Louis Jolliet
Monuments Marquette County, Michigan

What was Louis Jolliet looking for?

Louis Joliet pursued religious and musical studies until deciding in adulthood to become a fur trader. In 1673, he embarked on a trip with missionary Jacques Marquette along the Mississippi River, ascertaining with Native American guidance that it led to the Gulf of Mexico.

What did Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet discover about the Mississippi River?

While Hernando de Soto was the first European to make official note of the Mississippi River by discovering its southern entrance in 1541, Jolliet and Marquette were the first to locate its upper reaches, and travel most of its length, about 130 years later.

What country did Marquette and Joliet explore for?

In 1673, Father Jacques Marquette, a Jesuit missionary, and Louis Joliet, a fur trader, undertook an expedition to explore the unsettled territory in North America from the Great Lakes region to the Gulf of Mexico for the colonial power of France.

What did Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet do?

On May 17, 1673, Father Jacques Marquette and fur trader Louis Joliet set out on a four-month voyage that carried them thousands of miles through the heart of North America to explore the path of the Mississippi River. Their voyage helped to initiate the first non Native-American settlement…

What was the name of Jacques Marquette’s expedition?

On May 17, 1673, Marquette and his friend Louis Joliet (also spelled “Jolliet”), a French-Canadian fur trader and explorer, were chosen to lead an expedition that included five men and two canoes to find the direction and mouth of the Mississippi River, which natives had called Messipi, “the Great Water.”

Why did Jacques Louis Joliet return to Green Bay?

Fearing an encounter with Spanish colonists and explorers, they decided to return homeward by way of the Illinois River in mid-July. While Joliet continued on to Canada to relay news of the expedition and its discoveries, Marquette stayed behind in Green Bay.

Where did Marquette and Jolliet stop in 1673?

Marquette and Jolliet 1673 Expedition. Following the Illinois and the Des Plaines rivers, via the Chicago Portage, they reached Lake Michigan near the location of modern-day Chicago. Marquette stopped at the mission of St. Francis Xavier in Green Bay, Wisc., in August, while Jolliet returned to Quebec to relate the news of their discoveries.

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