What was the Pomo tribe shelter and tools?

What was the Pomo tribe shelter and tools?

Tule Mat Lodges: The Pomo tribe of California lived in shelters of dome-shaped shelters called Tule Mat Lodges. To build the tule mat lodges, the Pomo men first created a circular willow framework. The size was about 7 feet in diameter and about 7 feet high.

What tools did the natives use?

Tools included hide scrapers, such as knives or crooked knives. Other tools included hammer stones, utility hammers, mauls and drills. Native Indian tools were made from various raw materials such as wood, stone, bone, antlers. The material used helped determine the method of construction.

What type of tools did the Native Americans use?

Description and Definition of Native American Tools: Native American Tools were made of stone, primarily Flint, the process was called Flint Knapping and the weapon and tool makers were Flint Knappers. The tools were used to make weapons for fighting and hunting including Axes, Arrows, Spear, Knives, Tomahawks.

What kind of weapons did the Pomo tribe use?

The weapons by the Pomo people included spears, stone ball clubs, knives and bows and arrows. The sharp points of their weapons and their tools were fashioned from Obsidian. Pomo History Timeline: What happened to the Pomo tribe?

How to learn more about the Pomo Indians?

If you want to know more about Pomo culture and history, two interesting sources are Pomo Indians of California and Their Neighbors and The Pomo Indians . Two good books for kids on California Indians in general are California Native Peoples and Native Ways; a more in-depth book for older readers is Tribes of California .

What did the Pomo Indians use animal teeth for?

The Pomo Indians used animal teeth for decoration. They would also dull them to use as throwing stones. They would not dull them too much so they could actually hunt with the throwing stones. The throwing stones would also act like a knife so they could carve the bow and arrow.

What did the Pomos wear for everyday life?

The Pomos didn’t wear long headdresses like the Sioux. For dances and ceremonies, Pomo men would wear special headbands made of flicker feathers, like this. The Pomos painted their faces for dances and other special occasions, but not for everyday life.

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