What valuable things can we get from the forest?

What valuable things can we get from the forest?

Forests: Our Lifeline | Exercise

  • Fruits and Vegetables.
  • Timber and wood.
  • Turpentine, latex (rubber raw product)
  • Spices, resin, gum.
  • Medicines and herbs.

What products are made from the forest?

17+ Indigenous Food Products Produced From Forests

  • Honey. Today, honey is one of the major foods sourced from forests.
  • Wild Meat. It is also common to find communities surrounding game parks feeding on wild meat.
  • 3. Fruits. Forests are also a major source of fruits.
  • Mushroom.
  • Palm Wine.
  • Palm Oil.
  • Cola Nuts.
  • Wood Raw Material.

What are the five products we get from forest?

Answer: Five products that we get from forests are timber, spices, oils, medicines and wood.

What products do the forests give us answer?

Answer: Forests give us wood for construction of houses, furniture, farming implements and household articles. We obtain cellulose fibres, paper, rubber, gum and aromatic substances. In addition, we get fruits, bulbs, roots, sealing wax, catechu and dyes.

What are the forest products and their uses?

Forest products and their uses

Timber Grasses
Cane Medicinal use
Fruit Floss
Fibre Essential oils

What are 10 things we get from forest?

What goods do we produce from trees?

Some examples of foods that come from trees are almonds, apples, apricots, avocados, bay leaves, cacao (used to make chocolate), cashews, cherries, cinnamon, cloves, coffee, cola nuts (used in soft drinks), grapefruit, hazelnuts, juniper berries (used as gin flavoring), lemons, limes, mangoes, maple syrup, nectarines.

What resources do we get from trees?

There are many reasons to be thankful for trees. Besides being beautiful and giving shade, they provide habitats for birds, insects, and other animals, and they are essential for the production of oxygen, which is vital for life on Earth. Additionally, they supply important products like wood, paper, fruit and nuts.

What are forest resources?

Forests provide clean water and air, timber for wood products, wildlife habitats, stable soil, and recreational opportunities, and they beautify the environment. Furthermore, they are also an important economic resource producing marketable timber.

What kind of products can you find in a forest?

Forests provide a wide range of products, not only timber and fuelwood, but also products such as food (berries, mushrooms, etc.) and fodder. Languages:English [en]Español [es] Français [fr]

What are the 9 forest products of India?

Forest Products: 9 Minor forest products (or Non-timber forest product) of India. 1 1. Grasses, Bamboos and Canes: Different types of grasses grow in different parts of the country; Most of the grasses are used as fodder or for 2 2. Tans and Dyes: 3 3. Oils: 4 4. Gums and Resins: 5 5. Fibres and Flosses:

What are the non wood products of forests?

Non-wood products provided by forests include food – such as berries, mushrooms, edible plants, game and bushmeat – fodder, and medicinal plants. These products perform a crucial role in meeting the subsistence needs of a large part of the world’s population living in or near forests and providing them with income-generating opportunities.

What kind of products are made from trees?

1 Latex Rubber Gloves Washing the dishes or a trip to the dentist wouldn’t be the same without latex rubber gloves. 2 Sponges A soft and squishy product like a sponge is made from wood fibers? That’s right! 3 Wine Corks Did you know there’s a difference between a cork tree and a cork oak?

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