What term describes the number of individuals of a population that are of reproductive age?

What term describes the number of individuals of a population that are of reproductive age?

Fecundity is the potential reproductive capacity of an individual within a population. In other words, fecundity describes how many offspring could ideally be produced if an individual has as many offspring as possible, repeating the reproductive cycle as soon as possible after the birth of the offspring.

What is the reproductive age population?

What’s the childbearing age? Technically, women can get pregnant and bear children from puberty when they start getting their menstrual period to menopause when they stop getting it. The average woman’s reproductive years are between ages 12 and 51.

What information can ecologists derive from the age structure of a population?

Another characteristic of populations that ecologists measure is population age structure. This characteristic is as simple as it sounds: it’s a summary of the number of individuals of each age in the population. Age structure is useful in understanding and predicting population growth.

What term describes this number of individuals?

Term. Population Size. Definition. Describes the number of individual organisms present in a given population at a given time.

How do you describe population in statistics?

In statistics, a population is the pool of individuals from which a statistical sample is drawn for a study. Thus, any selection of individuals grouped together by a common feature can be said to be a population. A sample is a statistically significant portion of a population, not an entire population.

What is childbearing age mean?

Definition. The mean age at childbearing is the mean age of mothers at the birth of their children if women were subject throughout their lives to the age-specific fertility rates observed in a given year.

What is the reproductive age of a man?

Male fertility generally starts to reduce around age 40 to 45 years when sperm quality decreases. Increasing male age reduces the overall chances of pregnancy and increases time to pregnancy (the number of menstrual cycles it takes to become pregnant) and the risk of miscarriage and fetal death.

How do population ecologists describe populations?

Population ecologists describe populations by: 1) Population size – the size of a given population measured by the number of individual species present in the same area and at the same time. 2) Population density – the measure in the number of individuals in a given unit area or volume.

What is the term that describes the number of individuals of one species present in a habitat at one time?

Explanation: A population comprises individuals of the same species. In short, a population only refers to one species, but a community refers to all living species within a certain area.

What describes the number of individuals in a population per unit area?

Population density
Population density is the number of individuals per unit area.

Which term describes the characteristic of each member of a population?

A parameter is a value that describes a characteristic of an entire population, such as the population mean. A statistic is a characteristic of a sample.

Which is term describes the number of individuals of a given species?

– Answers What term describes the number of individuals of a given species per unit area? It is called population density. Population density. Q: What term describes the number of individuals of a given species per unit area?

What happens to a population that is past reproductive age?

What will happen to a population made up mostly of individuals that are past reproductive age? unbalanced sex ratio–individuals will be left without a mate Uniform Population Distribution individuals are evenly spaced throughout an area, happens when individuals hold a territory or compete for space

When does Zero Population growth occur in the world?

Zero Population Growth happens when birthrate + immigration = death rate + emigration Age Structure the number of people in pre-reproductive age, reproductive age and post- reproductive age Human Carrying Capacity -all populations reach the carrying capacity – technology continues to increase our carrying capacity

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