What should you look for when reading a graph?

What should you look for when reading a graph?

Identify what the graph represents. Most graphs will have a clearly labeled x-element, spaced along the graph’s horizontal axis, and a clearly labeled y-element, spaced along the graph’s vertical axis. The graph’s title should also tell you exactly what it’s about.

What are 3 necessary things for a graph?

Essential Elements of Good Graphs:

  • A title which describes the experiment.
  • The graph should fill the space allotted for the graph.
  • Each axis should be labeled with the quantity being measured and the units of measurement.
  • Each data point should be plotted in the proper position.
  • A line of best fit.

How do you make a line graph readable?

How to Make Your Excel Line Chart Look Better

  1. Remove Chartjunk – gridlines, chart border, and legend.
  2. Use Soft Gray Lines for the Axes.
  3. Make the Line Wider.
  4. Use a Non-Default Line Color.
  5. Add an Appropriate Title.
  6. Add Data Labels.
  7. IF Specific Data Points are More Important: Emphasize the Line’s Data Points.

How do you analyze a graph?

Data Analysis & Graphs

  1. Review your data.
  2. Calculate an average for the different trials of your experiment, if appropriate.
  3. Make sure to clearly label all tables and graphs.
  4. Place your independent variable on the x-axis of your graph and the dependent variable on the y-axis.

How do you make a graph look good?

  1. Tip # 1: Always pick the right chart type. Before you start tweaking design elements, you need to make sure that your data is displayed in the optimal format.
  2. Tip # 2: Remove unnecessary axes.
  3. Tip # 3: Distribute bars evenly.
  4. Tip # 4: Remove background lines.
  5. Tip # 5: Remove unnecessary styling.

How do you describe the results of a graph?

Describing language of a graph

  1. UP: increase / rise / grow / went up / soar / double / multiply / climb / exceed /
  2. DOWN: decrease / drop / fall / decline / plummet / halve / depreciate / plunge.
  3. UP & DOWN: fluctuate / undulated / dip /
  4. SAME: stable (stabilised) / levelled off / remained constant or steady / consistent.

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