What Pokemon can use the leaf stone Pokemon Emerald?

What Pokemon can use the leaf stone Pokemon Emerald?

Water Stone

Games Location/Method
ORAS Mauville City (from Inver), trade Blue Shard with treasure hunter on Route 124 Super Training (The Water Stone Cup Begins!, The Battle for the Best!) Route 106 (possible reward of rematch with Fisherman Elliot) Super Secret Base (Pick up stones)
SM Route 8 Konikoni City, Poké Pelago

What Pokemon should I use the leaf stone on?

Leaf Stone Exeggcute into Exeggutor (Alolan Exeggutor if the Exeggcute was caught in Alola) Gloom into Vileplume. Weepinbell into Victreebel. Nuzleaf into Shiftry.

What Gen 1 Pokemon evolve with a leaf stone?

1 Exeggcute Joining Gloom and Weepinbell in Generation I is Exeggcute, which will also evolve when exposed to a Leaf Stone.

Does Gloom evolve with leaf stone?

Gloom (Japanese: クサイハナ Kusaihana) is a dual-type Grass/Poison Pokémon introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Oddish at level 21 and evolves into either Vileplume when exposed to a Leaf Stone or Bellossom when exposed to a Sun Stone.

Does Leaf Stone Evolve Eevee?

Leaf Stone: Eevee is now evolved into either Glaceon or Leafeon using Evolution Stones.

Can Eevee evolve with a leaf stone?

In the generation 8 games, there are no Mossy Rocks. Instead, Eevee does indeed evolve into Leafeon via Leaf Stone.

What evolves from Thunderstone?

Thunder Stone:

  • Charjabug evolves into Vikavolt.
  • Eevee evolves into Jolteon.
  • Pikachu evolves into Raichu.

What do Pokemon Envolve with the Shiny Stone?

Togetic (evolves into Togekiss)

  • Roselia (evolves into Roserade)
  • Minccino (evolves into Cinccino)
  • Floette (evolves into Florges)
  • What Pokemon to evolve?

    The easiest Pokemon to evolve are Pidgeys, Weedles, and Caterpies – who only cost 12 candies each to evolve, while Magikarp , needs a huge number of Candy before it will evolve. To get a mighty Gyarados you’ll need 400 Magikarp Candy! Evolving your Pokemon has a few effects besides making it stronger.

    What Pokemon does a leaf stone work on?

    Here is some help: 1) The Leaf Stone can be used on Nuzleaf, Weepinbell, Gloom, and Exeggcute. 2) If Happiney is leveled-up during daytime while holding the Oval Stone, it will evolve into Chansey. 3) The Old Gateau is a healing item. It can heal all status problems of a Pokemon.

    What Pokemon do the evolution stones work on?

    Evolution Stones Fire, Water, and Thunder Stones evolve Pokémon of the corresponding Pokémon types, for example Vulpix, Staryu, and Pikachu, respectively. The Moon Stone evolves fairy-like Pokémon, like Clefairy, Nidorino, and Nidorina. Leaf Stones evolve Grass-types, such as Exeggcute and Weepinbell.

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