What number is 10 to the negative 6th power?

What number is 10 to the negative 6th power?

Negative powers

Name Power Number
millionth −6 0.000 001
billionth −9 0.000 000 001
trillionth −12 0.000 000 000 001
quadrillionth −15 0.000 000 000 000 001

What is times 10 to the 6th power?

Answer: The value of 10 raised to 6th power i.e., 106 is 1000000.

What is x10 to the power of 6?

1.0 x 106 is now equal to 1,000,000!

How do you write 10 to the negative 6?

10^-6 can be written as 1/10^6 which is 1/1000000.

What is 10 to the negative power of 7?

Answer: 10 to the power of negative 7 is equal to 0.0000001.

How do you say 10 to the 6th power?

10 to the 6th power means that six 10s will be multiplied together, like this: 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10.

What is 10 to the negative power of 2?

Answer: The value of 10 to the power of negative 2 is 0.01.

What is 100000 written as a power of 10?

Powers of 10
101=10 101=1
105=100,000 (one hundred thousand) 10-4=0.0001 (one ten thousandth)
106=1,000,000 (one million) 10-5=0.00001 (one hundred thousandth)
107=10,000,000 (ten million) 10-6=0.000001 (one millionth)

How do you calculate negative powers?

To convert a negative exponent, create a fraction with the number 1 as the numerator (top number) and the base number as the denominator (bottom number). Raise the base number to the power of the same exponent, but make it positive. This process is known as the negative exponent rule.

Which is equal to 10 to the fourth power?

If you take four 10s and take their product, this is the same thing as 10 to the fourth power. 10 to the fourth power literally means taking four 10s and multiplying them together. Or you could view it as starting with a 1 and multiplying by 10 four times. So this is also equal to 10 to the fourth power.

How to find all factors of negative numbers?

Just be sure to follow the rules of multiplying and dividing negative numbers to find all factors of negative numbers. For example, the factors of -6 are (1, -6), (-1, 6), (2, -3), (-2, 3). See the Math Equation Solver Calculator and the section on Rules for Multiplication Operations .

Which is the factor pair for the number n?

Find the square root of the integer number n and round down to the closest whole number. Let’s call this number s. Start with the number 1 and find the corresponding factor pair: n ÷ 1 = n. So 1 and n are a factor pair because division results in a whole number with zero remainder.

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