Table of Contents
What memory does the Giver transmit to Jonas?
The second memory the Giver transmits to Jonas is the memory of sunshine, which is warm and soothing. Before their session ends, the Giver also transmits the painful memory of sunburn. The next day, Jonas returns to the Annex, the Giver transmits the same memory of sled-riding, and Jonas notices that the sled is red.
What negative memory does Jonas get from the Giver?
The next day, Jonas finds the Giver in incredible pain, and the Giver asks him to take some of the pain away. The Giver transmits the terrible memory of a battlefield covered with groaning, dying men and horses. Jonas, himself horribly wounded, gives water to a young soldier and then watches him die.
What things does the Giver transmit to Jonas?
As they decide that Jonas is going to go out, The Giver tells him that he has the colors and the courage, and he will give him strength. He plans to fill Jonas with memories of warmth, love, food and happiness to sustain him.
What was the first memory the receiver transmit to Jonas?
The very first memory the Receiver transmits to Jonas is the memory of snow. The Receiver asks Jonas to lie face down on the bed, and then he places his hands on Jonas’s back.
What memory does Jonas give away in Chapter 14 and why?
The Giver gives Jonas a memory of falling from the sled, breaking his leg and scraping his face on ice. In agony, Jonas begs for medicine to relieve the pain.
What memory does Jonas receive in Chapter 16?
One day, The Giver transmits his own favorite memory, a memory of love and happiness, to Jonas. In the memory, Jonas is inside a house, and it is snowing outside. A fire is burning in a fireplace, creating a cozy atmosphere, and colored lights decorate a Christmas tree.
What memories does Jonas receive in Chapter 11?
Jonas receives a memory of sunshine that is as pleasurable as the sled-riding memory. Confused, Jonas questions The Giver about the pain that he’d been told he would have to endure.
What was the last memory given to Jonas in this chapter?
Since Jonas is all, “Bring it on, baby,” so the old man transmits one last memory for the day: sunburn.