What is the yellow stuff in my belly button piercing?

What is the yellow stuff in my belly button piercing?

It’s normal for a white or yellow-colored fluid (not pus) to ooze from your new piercing. This may form a crust that can itch or feel tight. Try not to pick at it, since that will cause the area to bleed. This crust will come off on its own as your piercing heals.

How do you know if your belly button piercing is infected or just healing?

Some signs of an infected belly button piercing include:

  1. intense pain or a burning sensation at the site.
  2. bright red skin around the piercing, or red streaks coming from it.
  3. a fever.
  4. discharge, which may smell bad, from the piercing.
  5. a swollen bump near the piercing.

Is yellow discharge from a new piercing normal?

Sometimes the piercing oozes blood or white, yellow or greenish pus. A new piercing is an open wound that can take several weeks to fully heal. During that time, any bacteria (germs) that enter the wound can lead to infection.

Is it normal for my belly piercing to pus?

You might notice that your navel feels warm to the touch, may look inflamed and might be sore. This is okay on the first two days of getting your piercing. However, if the redness persists causing your piercing to swell and you see smelly, greenish-yellow pus oozing out of it, it is time for prompt action.

Is it normal for my belly piercing to be red?

Symptoms of an infected belly button piercing When a piercing is new, it’s normal to see some swelling, redness, or discoloration around the site. You may also have some clear discharge that dries and forms a crystal-like crust around the piercing. These symptoms should get better over time.

Should I pick the crust off my piercing?

Crusties need to be cleaned carefully and thoroughly whenever you notice them. DO NOT pick the crusties off—that’s just introducing your dirty hands to a healing piercing and can increase your risk of infection.

How long will my belly button piercing be sore?

It’s normal for the area to feel sore for a few days after the piercing. If you’re experiencing symptoms that are unusual or that occur after the first few days, reach out to your piercer or doctor.

Is it normal to have yellow discharge from a belly button piercing?

Clear or very light yellow discharge is normal in a healing piercing. If you have one of the clear signs of infection, you should start treating immediately to prevent further complications like abscess formation. If you think your piercing might be infected, do not remove the jewelry.

Why does my belly button hurt when I get a piercing?

Piercings in your navel can also get infected. Bacterial infections cause a yellow or green, foul-smelling discharge. You can also have swelling, pain, and a scab around your belly button. Candidiasis is a yeast infection caused by Candida, a type of yeast that typically grows in damp, dark areas of the body.

What kind of ring should I get for my belly button?

(Surgical grade steel and titanium are the best to prevent migration.) If the jewelry is not the right type. (CBRs and other rings are more prone to complications than a curved, banana barbell.) If there is tissue damage around the piercing area.

How to tell if you have a belly button problem?

But, you might have: 1 Thick, yellow, smelly discharge 2 Swelling, redness, tenderness More

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