What is the source of energy that drives the movement of the lithospheric plates Why do you think this is the source?

What is the source of energy that drives the movement of the lithospheric plates Why do you think this is the source?

Lithospheric plates are part of a planetary scale thermal convection system. The energy source for plate tectonics is Earth’s internal heat while the forces moving the plates are the “ridge push” and “slab pull” gravity forces. It was once thought that mantle convection could drive plate motions.

How will you describe the movement of the two plates?

The movement of the plates creates three types of tectonic boundaries: convergent, where plates move into one another; divergent, where plates move apart; and transform, where plates move sideways in relation to each other. They move at a rate of one to two inches (three to five centimeters) per year.

Where does the energy to move plates come from quizlet?

Thermal energy generated in the Earth’s core causes the tectonic plates on the Earth’s surface to move. This movement occurs due to convection currents deep in the Earth.

What is the movement of the plate at the ridge?

Ridge push (also known as gravitational sliding) or sliding plate force is a proposed driving force for plate motion in plate tectonics that occurs at mid-ocean ridges as the result of the rigid lithosphere sliding down the hot, raised asthenosphere below mid-ocean ridges.

What geologic features is formed when two continental plates collide?

Instead, a collision between two continental plates crunches and folds the rock at the boundary, lifting it up and leading to the formation of mountains and mountain ranges.

What causes tectonic plates movement?

– Tectonic plates are 62 miles thick and are made up of the continental crust and the oceanic crust. – Slab pull is the most relevant force that affects the movement of tectonic plates. – Convection refers to specific cells within the Earth’s mantle that create heat. The heat makes the solid rocks move upwards while the colder rocks move downwards.

How can earth’s plates move?

Plates at the surface of the Earth move due to intense heat from the core of the planet. The heat makes the molten rock to move in convection cells pattern, consequently causing the plates to move.

What causes plate motion?

Plate motion is partly driven by the weight of cold, dense plates sinking into the mantle at oceanic trenches. This force and slab suction account for almost all of the force driving plate tectonics.

What do plate tectonics cause earthquakes?

Natural Disasters Caused by Plate Tectonics Rocks that Roll: Earthquakes. Most earthquakes occur as the result of the sudden movement along a fault line between two adjacent tectonic plates. Erupting Volcanoes. In general, volcanoes occur either along plate boundaries or over “hot spots.” When a plate moves over the top of another plate, the energy and friction melt the Seismic Sea Waves.

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