What is the social issue in speak?

What is the social issue in speak?

Isolation, Loneliness, and Depression Because Speak takes place within Melinda’s mind, author Laurie Halse Anderson is able to vividly and achingly portray the effects of isolation and loneliness upon human consciousness.

What is Melinda’s problem?

Melinda’s primary internal conflict is over whether or not to tell anyone that she was raped by one of the older students at her school. On the night that the attack occurs, Melinda dials 911 from a phone at the party, but finds herself unable to speak to the dispatcher and explain what has happened.

Why is Melinda an outcast in speak?

By Laurie Halse Anderson Melinda starts the school year isolated by her outcast status, by the secret of her recent rape, and by the fact that her rapist goes to her school.

What are some of the teenage issues that the book speak addresses?

Since its publication release in 1999 Speak has been challenged on its content about rape, sexual assault, and suicidal thoughts.

What is the message of the novel Speak?

One theme of Speak is finding one’s voice. Another theme in the novel is identity. The story can also be viewed as speaking out against violence and victimization. Melinda feels guilty, even though she was a victim of sexual assault.

How does Melinda change throughout speak?

By Laurie Halse Anderson Melinda Sordino, fourteen-year-old high school freshman, is drastically transformed when she’s raped by high school senior Andy Evans. She becomes silent and secretive; she becomes distrustful of people and terrified of being alone with a boy. Speak follows Melinda through her freshman year.

What is Melinda’s sanctuary in speak?

After lunch Melinda has art, which she calls a “dream.” In contrast to Hairwoman and Mr. Neck, her art teacher Mr. This passage introduces the art room, which will become a “sanctuary” for Melinda over the course of the novel.

What happened in the book Speak?

Speak, published in 1999, is a young adult novel by Laurie Halse Anderson that tells the story of high school freshman Melinda Sordino. After a sexual assault ends up in her busting the end of a summer party, Melinda is ostracized by her peers because she will not say why she called the police.

What is the topic of the book Speak?

Theme of “Speak” Melinda was raped at the party by a boy named Andy Evans. After the rape, Melinda is unable to speak about what happened to her and quits speaking altogether. Rape and the consequences for the victim is the main theme, along with losing one’s voice and the tremendous courage it takes to find it again.

What happens to Melinda in the book Speak?

During the party, Andy rapes Melinda. In shock, Melinda calls 9-1-1, but does not know what to say and runs home. The police come and break up the party, and some people are arrested. Melinda does not tell anyone what happened to her, and nobody asks. Melinda is befriended by Heather, a girl who is new to the community.

Who is Melinda in the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson?

Cynical but perceptive, Melinda mocks every aspect of Merryweather. She only becomes excited in the art room, where the passionate Mr. Freeman tells his students that they will each spend the year on a single subject; Melinda gets a tree. Melinda’ describes her workaholic mother and disinterested father.

What kind of PTSD does Melinda have in speak?

Don Latham and Lisa DeTora both define Melinda’s PTSD within the context of Judith Herman’s three categories of classic PTSD symptoms: “hyperarousal”, “intrusion”, and “constriction”. Melinda displays hyperarousal in her wariness of potential danger.

What was the unspoken theme of the book Speak?

Depression is the unspoken theme that defines Melinda’s behavior for much of the novel. While she does exhibit some obvious external signs, such as cutting her wrist with a paperclip, much of Melinda’s depression is internal and is not fully understood by anyone, including herself.

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