What is the price of diesel in international market?

What is the price of diesel in international market?

Diesel prices, 08-Nov-2021: The average price of diesel around the world is 1.16 U.S. Dollar per litre.

What is the price of diesel in USA?

USA Diesel prices, 08-Nov-2021

USA Diesel prices Litre Gallon
USD 0.962 3.642
EUR 0.830 3.142

Which country has cheapest diesel?

Diesel prices at the pump, in dollars per liter, 2016 – Country rankings: The average for 2016 based on 160 countries was 0.87 dollars. The highest value was in Iceland: 1.63 dollars and the lowest value was in Libya: 0.11 dollars.

What is the market price for diesel fuel?

National average gas prices

Regular Diesel
Current Avg. $3.419 $3.642
Yesterday Avg. $3.422 $3.643
Week Ago Avg. $3.401 $3.635
Month Ago Avg. $3.266 $3.452

What is the latest price of diesel?

Today’s Diesel Price in Indian Metro Cities & State Capitals

City Today Price Yesterday’s Price
New Delhi ₹ 86.67 ₹ 86.67
Kolkata ₹ 89.79 ₹ 89.79
Mumbai ₹ 94.14 ₹ 94.14
Chennai ₹ 91.43 ₹ 91.43

What is the price of diesel in Uttar Pradesh?

In Uttar Pradesh, the price of diesel opened at the rate of Rs. 70.91 per litre….Trend of Diesel Price in Uttar Pradesh for November 2020 (rates per litre):

Parameters Rates/litre
Highest Rate in November Rs.72.85 on 29th November

What was the price of diesel in 2021?

In the national capital, petrol and diesel rate jumped 35 paise to cost ₹ 104.79 and ₹ 93.52 per litre respectively, according to Indian Oil Corporation. In Delhi, petrol and diesel rates jumped 35 paise to cost ₹ 104.79 and ₹ 93.52 per litre respectively.

What is the diesel price in India?

Diesel Price In Indian Cities – Diesel ( / litre)

City Diesel ( / litre)
NEW DELHI ₹ 86.71
NOIDA ₹ 87.01
PATNA ₹ 91.08

Which country has highest tax on fuel?

Sometimes, the fuel tax is used as an ecotax, to promote ecological sustainability. Fuel taxes are often considered by government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service as regressive taxes. India has the highest taxes on fuel in the world.

Is fuel free in Iraq?

Associated gas currently makes 70% of total gas reserves in the country, with the rest being free gas, Younis said.

Where is lowest price of diesel in India?

Among all major cities of India, Delhi has the lowest fuel rates— ₹ 81.63 for petrol, ₹ 73.54 for diesel.

What is diesel cost per Litre?

Rs.68.47 per litre
In the third week, diesel price in Karnataka remained unchanged, standing at Rs. 68.47 per litre throughout the week….Monthly Diesel Price Trend in Karnataka for July 2019 (rates per litre):

Parameters Rates/litre
Highest Rate in July Rs.68.93
Lowest Rate in July Rs.66.43

What’s the price of diesel fuel in China?

China’s current Diesel Fuel Spot Prices in the last week of April 2020 were at 5119.67 RMB per MT. At the below chart you can see the Diesel Fuel Consumer Prices in India, the last update is 31.03.2020. The below chart shows the Diesel Fuel Consumer Prices in Russia, the last update is 27.04.2020.

What’s the average price of a liter of diesel?

Diesel prices, liter, 19-Oct-2020. Diesel prices, 19-Oct-2020: The average price of diesel around the world is 0.89 U.S. Dollar per liter. However, there is substantial difference in these prices among countries.

How big is the diesel market in the world?

The global Diesel market is valued at 931500 million USD in 2020 is expected to reach 1246400 million USD by the end of 2026, growing at a CAGR of 4.2% during 2021-2026.

What happens if the price of diesel goes up?

So, if you are in a country with high fuel prices (see the global rankings for gasoline and diesel), an increase/decrease in oil prices from, say, 60 to 70 USD per barrel would lead to about 5 percent increase/decrease in fuel prices. If you are in a country with about average fuel prices, the change would be double – about 10 percent.


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