What is the population of Bhilwara in 2020?

What is the population of Bhilwara in 2020?

Bhilwara Population 2021

Year Population Growth Rate
2021 462,780 2.34%
2020 452,209 2.35%
2019 441,830 2.36%
2018 431,638 2.53%

What is the population of Rajasthan in 2020?

81 million
According to UID, Rajasthan population in 2020 is estimated to be 81 million (8.1 Crores).

What is the population of Ajmer in 2020?

Ajmer Population 2021

Year Population Growth
2021 621,505 7,888
2020 613,617 7,001
2019 606,616 6,381
2018 600,235 6,948

What is the population of Udaipur in 2020?

Udaipur Population 2021

Year Population Growth Rate
2021 580,191 1.93%
2020 569,224 1.88%
2019 558,710 1.85%
2018 548,542 2.00%

How many Tehsil are there in Bhilwara?

12 Tehsils
Under these sub-divisions there are 12 Tehsils as per Census of India 2011 report and these 12 Tehsils are Panachayat Samitis: Bhilwara, Banera, Mandal, Mandalgarh, Beejoliya, Kotri, Hurda, Shahpura, Jahazpur, Sahada, Asind and Raipur.

What is the percentage of Muslims in Rajasthan?

The data for 2020 & 2021 is under process and will be updated in few weeks. Muslim Population in Rajasthan is 62.15 Lakhs (9.07 percent) of total 6.85 Crore….Rajasthan Religion Census 2011.

Religion Percentage
Muslim 9.07%
Christian 0.14%
Sikh 1.27%
Buddhist 0.02%

Which caste is highest in Rajasthan?

In terms of caste structure, the Brahmans (highest caste) are subdivided into many gotras (lineages), while the Mahajans (trading caste) are subdivided into a bewildering number of groups.

How many Muslims are there in Ajmer?

Total population of Ajmer district is 2,583,052 as per census 2011….Ajmer District Religion Census 2011.

District Ajmer
Population 2,583,052
Hindu 85.23 %
Muslim 12.16 %
Christian 0.41 %

What is the total area of Ajmer?

55 km²

How many Muslims are in Udaipur?

Udaipur Religion 2011

Description Total Percentage
Hindu 328,843 72.90 %
Muslims 70,665 15.67 %
Christian 2,836 0.63 %
Sikh 3,631 0.80 %

How many villages are there in Bhilwara district?

Tahsil-wise List

Sl No Tahsil Total Villages
1 Asind 210
2 Banera 92
3 Beejoliya 123
4 Bhilwara 146

Is Bhilwara a city or town?

Bhilwara /biːlˈvɑːrə/ is a city in the Mewar region of Rajasthan, India. It has been termed as ‘Textile city’.

What was the population of Bhilwara in 2011?

Answer: Bhilwara (Bhīlwāra), India (Administrative unit: Rājasthān) – last known population is ≈ 359 500 (year 2011). This was 0.029% of total India population. If population growth rate would be same as in period 2001-2011 (+2.53%/year), Bhilwara population in 2018 would be: 428 059*.

How many slums are there in Bhilwara city?

Total no. of Slums in Bhilwara city numbers 3,206 in which population of 15,631 resides. This is around 4.35% of total population of Bhilwara city. Indian Govt only conduct census once a decade.

What is the literacy rate of Bhilwara district?

Average literacy rate in Bhilwara district as per census 2011 is 80.70 % of which males and females are 89.04 % and 71.79 % literates respectively. In actual number 359,189 people are literate in urban region of which males and females are 204,687 and 154,502 respectively.

Which is the oldest part of Bhilwara in India?

The oldest part of this town was set up in the middle of the 11th century by building a Krishna Radha mandir (temple) that still exists and is known as the Bada Mandir. The area that is now known as Purana Bhilwara (Patwari Mohalla, Junawas, Manikya Nagar Malikhera).

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